recent activities of Tehran Zoological Garden have sparked a heated
debate between advocates of animal rights and zoo directors, on whether
or not zoos endanger wildlife species for their own interests or they
have educational and protective objectives.
Do wildlife species find contentment living in standardized zoos or in nature?
During the past years, Tehran Zoological
Garden has succeeded in becoming a member of the European Association of
Zoos and Aquaria (EAZA). Moreover under the population management
program aiming at endangered species reproduction, the Persian leopard
and Asiatic lion have been transferred to the Zoo for captive breeding.
In this regard, a male Persian leopard was
sent to Iran from Portugal last year in an attempt to revive the
species, who mated naturally at the Zoo with a female leopard and at the
moment, the leopard is pregnant.
Subsequently, the Zoo transmitted a male
Asiatic lion from Britain’s Bristol Zoo under the supervision of EAZA to
implement a revival plan for extinct , while the female one will also
be sent to the country from Ireland within the next few days.
No natural habitats, no chances of bringing animals back from extinction
However, animal rights defenders blame
Tehran Zoological Garden for keeping the wildlife species, such as
Asiatic lion, who once have been pushed toward extinction in the country
under the unfavorable conditions, believing that when their natural
habitats have been destroyed and there is no possibility for them to
return back to the nature, keeping them is violating their right.
Breeding species in captivity will not
definitely ensure a stable population in the country once again,
therefore, why not allocate the captive breeding costs to protect those
animals in the nature from extinction?
Sepehr Salimi, an animal rights advocate,
criticizing the Zoo said that the restoration of Asiatic lion or any
other extinct species in captivity is impossible, because the most
important issue for the species’ survival is living in the natural
habitat, and when it is destructed, then the species eventually will
disappear, as well.
He further points out that if we are to
breed extinct species in the zoos, we should not use the term revival
because the revival of an extinct species occurs when a species is found
in its original habitat without human interference for survival, so
reviving species in zoos is meaningless.
Over the recent years, Tehran Zoological
Garden did not have a good record on wildlife conservation, as 14
African lions have lost their lives due to inappropriate nutrition, and
two tigers who were relocated from Russia for captive breeding lost
their lives due to an outbreak of glanders (an infectious disease occurs
primarily by ingestion of contaminated food or water), which is mainly
related to not meeting the standards, he explained.
Given that the Asiatic lion’s original
habitat no longer exists, why should it be reproduced? Their revival
only serves the zoos’ interests, Salimi stated.
The transfer of endangered species to the
country takes place under the supervision of the EAZA; an association
that has given Tehran Zoological Garden five years to fully standardize
all animal habitats to become a member of the union, although, it does
not mean that no violation will happen, he explained.
Time Magazine reported that many European
zoos cull animals or violate their rights, and that EAZA keeps records
of this, but won't release them.
In 2012, Copenhagen Zoo in Denmark put down, via lethal injection, two leopard cubs whose genetics were over-represented.
In 2010, the decision by officials at Edinburgh zoo to put down two hog piglets named Sammi and Becca sparked protests.
David Williams Mitchell, communications
and membership manager for EAZA, in this regard said that “as a
conservation organization, we realize that there's a crisis in the
natural world, and that we have an obligation to protect species in the
wild from human actions,” adding, “one of the ways we do that is through
breeding programs. But we have limited space within EAZA to carry out
that, and we need to prioritize animals that can contribute to future of
the species.”
Keeping animals in an unfavorable
condition results in mental illness and depression, he lamented, adding
that zoo is a purchase and sale center, because the number of animals
are not determined.
Referring to the zoo’s positive attempts,
he noted that zoos can be a great habitat for those injured animals not
able to live in natural habitats, while they are not permitted to
reproduce the species.
From the animal right advocates point of
view, zoo is not a proper place for all the wildlife species, and all
must be shut down, he concluded.
Zoos improve wildlife conservation
This is while, Iman Memarian, Tehran
Zoological Garden director, said that zoos should be run for cultural
and educational purposes as well as wildlife conservation.
Standard zoos are one of the most
important bases for wildlife conservation, being used to educate people
about wildlife protection, he said, adding that also, many
wildlife-related sciences, such as veterinary are expanding in zoos so
that veterinarians can control animal diseases in nature.
On the other hand, people are
contemplating how our ancestors destroyed the wildlife, and what we
should do today to preserve the remaining species, he also added.
Currently, 80 percent of the animal
habitats in the Zoo is living up to the internationally defined
standards, and it must be completely in line with the necessary
standards during the next 5 years to become a permanent member of EAZA,
he explained.
Memarian further noted that some thinks
that when an animal is in the cage, it is not feeling well at the
moment, however, one should bear in mind that animals have different
needs, all of which can be provided at standard zoos.
Today, it is possible to measure the
amount of hormones in the body through the urine and faeces of animals,
so researches show that the level of wildlife satisfaction in standard
zoos is even higher than their level of satisfaction in nature, he
“Tehran Zoological Garden has gone far to
meet all the standards required to keep Asiatic lion and leopard, he
said, the condition is improved, the Zoo is living up to the required
standards, and take safety measure strictly,” he further highlighted.
“No habitat is yet determined for the
Asiatic lion to live in, and there is no possibility to re-introduce it
to the nature,” he lamented, adding, there is no plan for releasing the
Persian leopard in nature, but we are ready to work with the EAZA in
this regard.
Defending the EAZA operation in response
to the recent criticisms, Memarian said that the union has so far
succeeded in captive breeding of endangered species in zoos and has
reintroduced them to their habitat. Although, there are people who are
generally opposed to the zoo, ignoring the positive functions of zoos.
He further called on the role Department
of Environment play to help improving the zoos’ condition, as the
country’s zoos are far below the global standards.
Zoos’ function is not defined properly;
those not aiming at educational and protective plans are violating
animal rights, he concluded.
While worldwide animals are being kept in
zoos for various purposes it is not easy to decide whether the decision
will suit the animals in conserving them or they are rather being
tortured cruelly.
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