8 February 2018
London Zoo has done its annual
animal count where they see how many creatures are in the zoo and make
sure none have done a 'Madagascar' and escaped!

Every year London Zoo count all the animals in the zoo to make sure
everyone is accounted for. All the keepers get involved in counting all
the species that live there. Now, we all know lemurs are clever but does
this keeper think they can use an abacus? Come on!
This llama looks like it has
plenty to say, doesn't it? Wonder if it's telling tales on the giraffes?
The keeper doesn't look scared though, she looks more like she's
inspecting its teeth? Hope there isn't any bad breath going on there...
Llamas live mostly in South America and they are very social animals and
live with other llamas as a herd.

Watch out! These squirrel monkeys look like they're messing with the
count numbers. Squirrel monkeys live in the tropical forests of Central
and South America in the canopy layer. They use their busy tails for

"Will you penguins just sit
still!" How is this keeper supposed to count these guys when they keep
running around? I don't think showing them a bucket of tasty fish will
stop them running around on their Happy Feet! Look - one of them is
trying to grab a sneaky snack!

That's more like it. It's a bit more relaxing for the keeper - but how
do you keep track of which penguin is which? Did you know almost all
penguins live in the southern hemisphere, with only one species, the
Galapagos penguin, found north of the equator.

I'm not sure I like the way
Max the eagle owl is looking at me there! He could be getting ready to
swoop! Most owls are nocturnal animals which means they hunt at night. I
wonder if Max is feeling as grumpy as Old Brown if he's been woken up
for a count during his beauty sleep?

Looks like this queen of the
jungle is checking that the keepers have got their sums right. Asiatic
Lions mostly come from the Gurat province of India. They're endangered
and the Asiatic Lion Census in 2017 found just 650 animals in the wild.

Normally London Zoo do their count at the beginning of January. They
have over 19,000 animals at the zoo and over 700 species. This is the
first count they've done since a fire at the zoo in December 2017.
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