English language news articles from year 2007 plus find out everything about Asiatic Lion and Gir Forest. Latest News, Useful Articles, Links, Photos, Video Clips and Gujarati News of Gir Wildlife Sanctuary (Geer / Gir Forest - Home of Critically Endangered Species Asiatic Lion; Gir Lion; Panthera Leo Persica ; Indian Lion (Local Name 'SAVAJ' / 'SINH' / 'VANRAJ') located in South-Western Gujarat, State of INDIA), Big Cats, Wildlife, Conservation and Environment.
Leopard kills woman in farm near forest in Gujarat
Jun 29 (UNI) A 60-year-old woman was killed by a leopard in a farm near
Devaliya Sanctuary in Talala range of the West Gir Forests in Gir
Somnath district of Gujarat, Forest officials said on Saturday.
Chief Conservator of Forest (CCF) D T Vasavada said that the beast
attacked one Hiraben Dahyabhai Ghonsiya late on Friday night while she
was going out to attend the natures call.
A lioness in Etawah Lion Safari here has given birth to four cubs, taking the number of the wild cat to 12 there.
Jesicca was blessed with four cubs on Wednesday night, said an elated
Sfari Director B K Singh Thursday, adding all necessary precautions and
care are being taken to keep the cubs and their mother safe.
Extra precaution is being taken in view of the severe heat wave
condition, said Singh, adding the lioness had been shifted to an air
conditioned chamber three months ago.
Special arrangemets have been made for the lioness' diet as well, he said.
Jessica is doing well and taking care of her cubs, said Singh, adding the gender of the newborn cubs is yet to be ascertained.
It's for the third time that a lioness has given birth in the safari, he added.
Jessica, brought here from Gir National Park in December 2015, soon
after her arrival here had given birth to three cubs - Sultan, Shimba
and Bahubali -- earlier also.
The birth of four cubs have brought
special cheers to the safari, which has witnessed deaths of 10 lions,
including four cubs, since 2014.
The Gir wildlife sanctuary in Gujarat is the last abode of Asiatic lions in the world.
per the last 2015 census, there were around 523 lions in Gujarat,
mainly in the forest areas of Junagadh, Gir-Somnath, Amreli and
Bhavnagar districts.
Asiatic lions which were once found in
abundance from Persia (Iran) to Palamau in India's Jharkhand have almost
been driven to extinction due to indiscriminate hunting and habitat
The Union Environment Ministry
has launched 'Asiatic Lion Conservation Project' aimed at protecting
the world's last free-ranging population of the species and its
The project is aimed at strengthening ongoing measures
for the conservation and recovery if endangered wild cats' species with
the help of state-of-the-art techniques, instruments, regular scientific
research and studies, disease management, modern surveillance and
patrolling methods.
Less than 50 lions had survived in the Gir
forests of Gujarat by late 1890s, the ministry had said earlier, adding,
"With timely and stringent protection offered by the state government
and the Centre, Asiatic lions have increased to the current population
of over 500."
According to the 2015 census, there were 523 Asiatic Lions in
Gir Protected Area Network spread over 1648.79 sq km, comprising Gir
National Park, Gir Sanctuary, Pania Sanctuary, Mitiyala Sanctuary
adjoining reserved forests, Protected Forests, and unclassed forests.
ministry has already included Asiatic Lion in Gujarat in the list of 21
critically endangered species for recovery programme and financial
assistance under the species recovery component of Centrally Sponsored
Scheme - Development of Wildlife Habitat.
The project activities
are envisaged for habitat improvement, scientific interventions, disease
control and veterinary care supplemented with adequate eco-development
works for the fringe population in order to ensure a stable and viable
lion population in the country.
(This story has not been edited by Business Standard staff and is auto-generated from a syndicated feed.) https://www.business-standard.com/article/pti-stories/lioness-jessica-blesses-up-with-four-more-cubs-119062700816_1.html
Posted at: Jun 27 2019 10:55PMJunagadh, Jun 27 (UNI) The body of around one
to two year old male lion was found in Talala range of West Gir forests
in Gir Somnath district of Gujarat. CCF Junagadh D T Vasavada said
that the reason behind the death of lion cub prima facie seems to be
in-fight among lions. It was found in Hadmatia beat of the forest. There
were injury marks on the body. In another incident in Amreli
district a private guard of an agriculture farm close to East Gir
forests was attacked and injured by a leopard. He said that one
Bhupatbhai B Parekh who worked as a private guard in an agriculture farm
in Samdhiyala village of Rajula taluka close to Pipalva beat of Gir
forests was attacked by a leopard in the wee hours. He has sustained
injuries in the left leg. UNI RAJ PS 2255 http://www.uniindia.com/~/body-of-male-lion-cub-found-in-gir-forest-farm-guard-injured-by-leopard/States/news/1646373.html
By Our Representative
The Khedut Ekta Manch – Gujarat (KEMG), a non-profit farmers’
organization based in Ahmedabad, in a representation to the High
Court-appointed committee
to study the impact of limestone mining in Bhavnagar district, Gujarat,
has that there are “very serious issues" would emerge in the wake of
the decision to sanction of mining lease in the area "without the prior
informed consent of thousands of families and people, who are to be
divested of their livelihoods.” Pointing out that the issue is not of livelihoods
alone, but of the loss of the entire ecosystem, water bodies,
biodiversity and the endangered and protected lion population in the
area, Sagar Rabari, president of the organization, has sought careful
examine the issues being raised in KEMG’s submission, demanding that
“all mining activities be stopped with immediate effect”, and “advise
the High Court of Gujarat to cancel the mining permission and lease.”
Rabari also wants the committee to “advise the concerned government
departments to ensure that before sanctioning of any such land for
non-agriculture use, prior informed consent of the affected people be
made mandatory from not only the Gram Panchayat but Gram Sabha as well”,
adding, the government must be told that “a mandatory livelihood loss
survey” should be undertaken “prior to such projects being sanctioned on
agriculture land.”
The representation particularly focuses its attention to what it calls
“specific impacts of limestone mining in 1,300 hectares (ha) spread over
the 13 villages of Talaja (Jhanjmer, Talli, Methala, Madhuvan, Reliya,
Gadhula, Bambhor, Nava Rajpara, Juna Rajpara) and Mahuva (Nicha Kotda,
Uncha Kotda, Dayal, Kalsaar) talukas of Bhavnagar district by Ultratech
Cements Ltd”, as 98 per cent of land acquired by the company is “private
agricultural land.”
It is observed that, wherever there is limestone underground the land is
fertile and agriculture is prosperous. On the seashore from Ghogha to
Porbandar, the coastal area is fertile, and the rich agriculture there
is known in local language as “Lili Nagher” – the lush green. Inland
area away from seashore is comparatively less fertile.
On the seashore, sweet water availability is also due to the limestone.
The site where mining is permitted – the Mahuva taluka – is known as
Kashmir of Saurashtra. Horticulture is widely practised here, especially
coconut plantations and the world famous Jamadar mango, which are now
under danger of extinction.
The process of mining will entail excavation, blasting and drilling of
blast holes, blasting of rocks, manual shattering of rocks, loading and
transportation, etc. The dust is disbursed during these processes and
settles on the nearby fields, water bodies and standing crops.
The soil dug from the mine may be dropped from a height making the dust
to disburse in the air and deposit on the land rendering the soil
sterile. The net effects will be:
erosion of the top soil
existing land becomes unfit for cultivation because of dumping of solid waste, probably leading to desertification
standing crops are adversely affected due to dust disbursed in the air, stunting the growth of plants and crops
cotton, onion, garlic, jowar, millet and other vegetables will be badly affected by the dust and water pollution.
Water pollution
Mining activity results in making deep pits which in turn causes ground
water table to go down. Contamination of surface water due to dumping of
solid waste and dust results in contamination of tanks, rivulets,
rivers, open wells and ground water as well.
There may be trucks involved in transportation of limestone. These
trucks would be washed at tanks, nalha, and other surface water storage
bodies. In this act of working, the dust, oil and grease containing
heavy metals like lead (Pb) etc. may get mixed into the water. This can
also contaminate the water bodies.
Salinity ingress
Gujarat being a state with the longest coastline in India, is one of the
states with a problem of high salinity ingress. Bhavnagar district is a
coastal district and is also affected by salinity ingress which
threatens agriculture, water quality and overall health of the people.
One of the measures for checking salinity ingress is the embankment
(bandharo). While the Government of Gujarat (GoG) and the Government of
India (GoI) spend many millions of rupees carrying out studies and
making recommendations to the effect that embankments should be built,
the GoG on the other hand goes ahead and gives out mining leases in
these same areas which threaten the embankment.
Impact on the embankment (bandharo)
Many years back the GoG had proposed a check dam on river Bagad to check
salinity ingress. For reasons best known to GoG, the proposed check dam
could not be built. Salinity ingress was rapidly threatening the
villages upstream, threatening the water quality and agricultural
Having waited in vain for the GoG to build the dam, the people of
villages Methala and Kotada decided to build the check dam themselves by
raising the finance for it from among themselves and other donors. They
started the work on April 6, 2018 and completed it in June 2018. The
total cost of the entire operation was Rs. 45,00,000.
This year (April and May 2019) they strengthened the structure by
spending around Rs 7,40,000.In total people have spent Rs 52,00,000 to
build 1.3 km long bund plus 300-meter concrete structure to allow the
excess water to pass whereas the GoG’s estimate for the same was Rs 80
crore. This check-dam will enrich the groundwater quality; irrigate
thousands of acres of land of around 7 villages.
Now, with the mining lease given by the Ministry of Environment, Forests
and Climate Change (MoEFCC) this water body is threatened, it being in
very close proximity (less than a kilometre) to the mining site. The
mining operations will release dust in the air which will settle on to
the surface of the water, percolate to the wells and pollute the ground
The embankment means that there is a shift from ground water irrigation
to surface water irrigation which is a highly recommended measure to
check groundwater depletion. The mining will force the farmers to revert
back to groundwater irrigation further endangering the already
dangerous levels of groundwater.
Impact on livelihood
The villages where mining lease has been granted is fertile agricultural
land producing cotton, jowar, millet, maize, onion, garlic, and other
vegetables. The entire population is dependent on agriculture. In the
absence of a permanent source of irrigation people of these villages
were forced to migrate after Diwali (start of winter) in search of work.
Children of the migrating families had to suffer loss of education and
were forced to live in precarious conditions in industrial areas in the
Ankleshwar-Vapi Gujarat Industrial Development Corporation (GIDC) belt.
Now, the check dam has assured them a regular source of irrigation,
greatly raised the water table and improved the quality of water only in
one monsoon.
After suffering years of hardships their life had just begun to look up
due to the bandharo. Just at this critical juncture in their lives the
mining lease and operations will again make their lives precarious and
vulnerable, forcing them to undertake migration yet again.
The contaminated water will damage the crops and reduce the yield and
will also create health problems for humans as well as animals. The
horticulture crops of coconut, mango and chikoo (sapota) will also
suffer due to the dust and water pollution.
Negative impact on agroindustries
Being the onion capital of India, Bhavnagar District and Mahuva and
Talaja talukas in particular produces onion and garlic in huge quantity.
Based on local onion and garlic, around 110 dehydration plants are
working in the nearby villages. Every dehydration plant provides
employment to at least 200 to 250 people in the season. These plants
work for around 100 days a year.
They export dehydrated onion and garlic to Russia, Middle East, Germany,
France and USA earning hundreds of crores of foreign exchange for the
country. So also there are approximately 30 cotton ginning mills working
in Mahuva and Talaja taluka providing employment to nearly 2,500-3,000
people in the season.
If the fertile agriculture land in the area is mined and polluted, not
only the entire agro industry but the farmers, the farm workers, the
cattle-rearers and the workers working in agro industries would lose
their employment and will be forced to migrate elsewhere thus falling
into poverty and vulnerability.
Air pollution
Air pollution is another causality of mining activities. Blasting of
land produces dust which invariably mixes with air and this reduces and
disturbs oxygen portion and the air carries many toxic matter. Polluted
air carries more sulphur oxide which cuts the nutrients which are
necessary for nurturing of plants and this also causes dropping of the
leaves and the tress.
Polluted air causes wide range of respiratory disorders in people,
children and old aged people All the roads leading to mines would be
“kacha roads”, the movement of vehicles on these roads will generate
fine dust which would cover the agriculture fields. Dust clouds are
likely to cover the agriculture crops fully. This will certainly affect
the agricultural productivity and the quality of the yield.
Impact on health
Diseases such as bronchitis, Asthma, TB, and dust related diseases like
silicosis are bound to come up in the region due to the mining. It will
take a huge toll on community health in a region which is reeling with
poor health infrastructure to begin with.
Noise pollution
Transportation of limestone through trucks would result in noise
pollution in the villages. Apart from that the mining activities of
drilling, blasting, compressors, pumps, loading, etc. will also
contribute to the noise pollution. Noise pollution cause a sudden rise
in blood pressure, noise can cause stress, noise can cause muscles pain,
and noise can cause changes in the diameter of the blood vessel and
nervousness, fatigue, temporary or permanent hearing problems.
Irreversible damage to lion habitat
Palitana, Jesar, Talaja and Mahuva talukas of Bhavnagar and nearby
Rajula taluka is the natural habitat of the Asiatic lions which have
been found loitering in the villages. In the area where the mining lease
is given to Ultratech, lions and other migratory birds are spotted many
times. This mining and heavy traffic activity will endanger the
protected animal and birds.
Impact on a place of religious importance
A temple of the chief goddess of the Koli, Rajput and Maldhari
communities is situated on the seashore at village Uncha Kotada where
lakhs of people visit during the year, more so on Aaso and Chaitri
Navratri and Diwali. The temple is just 1.5 km away from the mining
site. The pilgrims to the temple will be subjected to the polluted air,
many of whom would be elderly and children. Their health and safety will
be thus compromised by the presence of the mining activity. https://www.counterview.net/2019/06/limestone-mining-in-bhavnagar-to-impact.html
Nimesh Khakhariya | TNN | Updated: Jun 26, 2019, 9:02 IST RAJKOT: The frequent killings of easily available domestic cattle by lions in villages of Saurashtra have often set off discussions that these wild cats could lose their hunting ability. But
the forest department desperately wants people to shed this notion. On
Monday, the Amreli forest department tweeted a photograph of a lion cub
sitting beside a nil gai (blue bull) that was injured in an attack by
its mother. The photograph was clicked by some forest department staffer
in Amreli taluka 10 days ago. A view in greater Gir, wild with wild," the department posted along with the picture.
a first glance, it looks like the lion cub had become weak and sitting
beside its prey while the blue bull is not running to protect itself.
However, officials said this was not the case at all. A senior
official of Amreli division, not wanting to be named, told TOI, "A
lioness had hunted the blue bull and trained its two-month-old cub too
which is seen sitting beside the prey. The lioness was nearby but could
not captured in the frame. Blue bull's hind legs were broken because of
the lioness attack and that's why it could not run." "We have
tweeted this picture to prove that lion's instinct to hunt herbivorous
animal is maintained. A perception building in some quarters is that
lions are preying more on domestic animals, which is not true." The forest officials claimed that there is enough population of blue bull in outside protected area. Priyavrat Gadhvi, a member of state wildlife
board said, "It is true that availability of cattle is more in the
non-protected areas and they are an easy prey for the lions. But that
can't be constructed as weakening of their wild abilities." "It's a case of opportunism or opportunistic preying. They are are no way losing their wild hunting abilities," he added. https://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/city/rajkot/asiatic-lions-not-losing-their-hunting-ability/articleshow/69951598.cms
TEHRAN – Tehran Zoological
Garden has developed plans for reproduction of endangered Asiatic lion,
and the lion couple have been sent to the zoo for its great efforts to
meet the defined standards, a veterinarian at Tehran’s Eram Zoo has
Disappeared for 80 years, Persian
lion once prowled from the Middle East to India, while currently only a
fraction of these magnificent animals survive in the wild, which range
is restricted to the Gir National Park and environs in the Indian state
of Gujarat.
A male Persian lion, born 6 years ago, was
sent to Tehran Zoological Garden from Britain’s Bristol Zoo on May 1,
under a population management program aiming at endangered species
reproduction by the European Association of Zoos and Aquaria (EAZA).
Iran recently hosted a female lion of the
same subspecies from Ireland to accompany the male lion through the
conservation program.
The female lion now is being kept in the
zoo and so far has met her male companion, Fars news agency quoted Iman
Memarian as saying on Monday.
“We are trying to get the couple to get to know each other gradually until they get used to living together,” he further noted.
He went on to say that we have plans to
reproduce endangered species and save them from extinction, and all the
process is under control.
Considering that Persian lion is a symbol
in Iran’s wildlife, many environment lovers were interested to see such
valuable species but it disappeared due to uncontrolled hunting and lack
of prey, he lamented, adding, therefore, we tried to show how important
it is to preserve the wildlife by returning the lions back to their
During the past years, Tehran Zoological
Garden has succeeded in becoming a member of EAZA, and the Asiatic lions
have been transferred to the Zoo for captive breeding under the
association’s supervision, he highlighted.
Two male lion siblings of the same
subspecies were inhabiting in Houston city in Texas, United states, he
stated, adding, one of them lost his life due to the physical problems,
thus, the lion returned to Iran from Britain is the most valuable and
healthy one.
Selling or buying animals in European zoos
is banned, and the female lion was given to Iran because of our
compliance with the EAZA standards, Memarian also highlighted.
Referring to the cost of keeping wild
species, he said that lions feed on 10 to 15 kilograms of lamb and
poultry daily, which are so expensive.
Criticizing the approaches claiming that
zoos endanger wildlife species for their own interests, he said that
some think that when an animal is in the cage, it is not feeling well at
the moment, however, one should bear in mind that animals have
different needs, all of which can be provided at standard zoos.
Previously, we needed to withdraw a blood
sample from animals which caused them stress, but now we can test them
through their feces and urine, he further stated.
Also, it is possible to measure the amount
of hormones in the body through the urine and feces of animals, so
researches show that the level of wildlife satisfaction in standard zoos
is even higher than their level of satisfaction in nature, he added.
Lion is among the flagship species which
is attractive to people, and because of them, smaller animals are known,
so, we do our best to conserve the species in the country, Memarian
In conservation biology, a flagship
species is chosen to stimulate people to provide money or support for
biodiversity conservation in a given place or social context. The use of
flagship species has been dominated by large bodied animals, especially
mammals, like Asiatic cheetah.
Threats pushed Persian lions toward extinction
On the International Union for
Conservation of Nature Red List, Asiatic lion is listed under its former
scientific name Panthera leo persica as Endangered because of its small
population size and area of occupancy.
Historical records in Iran indicate that
the Asiatic lion ranged from the Khuzestan Plain to the Fars in steppe
vegetation and pistachio-almond woodlands. It was widespread in the
country, but in the 1870s, it was sighted only on the western slopes of
the Zagros Mountains, and in the forest regions south of Shiraz.
Some of the country's last lions were
sighted in 1941 between Shiraz and Jahrom in Fars province, and in 1942,
a lion was spotted about 65 km northwest of Dezful. In 1944, the corpse
of a lioness was found on the banks of Karun River in Khuzestan
Conflicts with humans, wildfires,
poaching, habitat loss, canine distemper virus, decreases in population
sizes of native ungulates were among the threats pushed the lions toward
extinction in Iran, while lack of protection measures and plans is not
deniable either.
The Gujarat Forest Department staff clamp a radio collar around the
neck of an Asiatic lion in Gir forest. (Source: Gujarat Forest
The radio-collars come at a cost of Rs 6.78 lakh each and have a
lifespan of around three years. (Source: Gujarat Forest Department) An Asiatic lioness with a newly-clamped radio collar around her neck. (Source: Gujarat Forest Department)Written by Gopal Kateshiya | Ahmedabad | Updated: June 24, 2019 7:51:16 pm
Forest officers in Gujarat say this is the largest project of its
kind not only in the state but across the country. They say that it is
for the first time that individuals of a single species are being
radio-collared in such a large number.
What is the latest project of radio-collaring lions in Gir forest?
Gir National Park and other protected areas spread across Junagadh,
Gir Somnath, Amreli, Bhavnagar and Botad districts in Saurashtra region
of Gujarat, are the last abode of Asiatic lions in the world. In 2015,
the forest department said that lion movement was recorded in 22,000
square kilometre area of the region and that the population of this
endangered species was estimated to be 523.
After the death of around two dozen lions due to the deadly canine
distemper virus (CDV) in Dalkhaniya range of Gir (east) forest division
in Amreli district in September last year, the state government had
announced a Rs 350 crore-package to strengthen the conservation of the
animal. Radio-collaring representatives of the entire population for the
purpose of research and protection was one of the projects identified
under this package.
Now, the state forest department has drawn plans to clamp
radio-collars on 75 lions representing their territory. The forest
department has imported these collars from Germany. On June 11, Chief
Minister Vijay Rupani had launched the project by overseeing clamping of
the first radio collar on a lion at Sasan, the headquarters of Gir
National Park and Sanctuary (GNPS). Forest officers said they aim to
clamp all the collars on the lions by the end of July.
How will the project work?
As part of the project, the forest department is identifying
representative lions in the area spread across five districts. After
tranquilising them, it aims to clamp around their necks collars which
are fitted with battery-powered chips. These chips will beam signals to
the satellites at a preset frequency and the satellites, in turn, will
relay the signals to a control-room in Sasan.
At the same time, the signals generated from the chips in the collars
will also be accessible on mobile VHF (very high frequency) receivers
for the staff on the field to locate the animals.
Officers say that the individuals identified for radio-collaring
include both males, females and sub-adult lions. As of June 24, the
forest department has already radio-collared 25 lions.
The radio-collars come at a cost of Rs 6.78 lakh each and have a
lifespan of around three years. The German suppliers have already
trained staff of the Gujarat Forest Department on how to operate the
Besides this, the German suppliers will also provide the services of
satellite-linking. The radio-collars will help provide information like
the location of an individual and its movement pattern, among others. On
the basis of such information, the forest department will be able to
plot a map of the territory of that individual.
The government has set up a high-tech monitoring unit at Sasan which will serve as control-room for the collars.
What is its importance?
Asiatic lions once used to range from the Middle East to many parts
of the Indian subcontinent. However, due to rampant poaching and habitat
loss, the population of the species had drastically reduced to just a
few dozen individuals, restricted to Gir forest in Junagadh district by
the 19th century.
Thanks to the conservation efforts of the then ruler of the princely
state of Junagadh and subsequently by the state forest department, the
population of the big cats has recovered from the brink of extinction
and has been growing steadily for the last four decades. It touched 523
in 2015.
While the sub-population today is divided among more than
half-a-dozen meta-populations, they all are confined to a small
geographical area and hence, some wildlife experts and conservationists
say that the species is vulnerable to extinction in events of natural
calamity or disease outbreak.
The CDV outbreak in 2018 was the biggest in the history of Gir forest
and revived the argument of giving the big cats a second home away from
Gir so that the species, which has been categorised as endangered by
the International Union for Conservation of Nature, has better chances
of survival.
In 2013, the Supreme Court had ruled in favour of the translocation
of the Asiatic lions to Kuno-Palpur Sanctuary in Madhya Pradesh,
reasoning such a move was necessary for the “interest of the
species.” However, Gujarat has been mounting various challenges to the
move even after the Apex Court verdict. The government has always argued
that the lions are part of the culture of Gujarat and are safe in the
state and that the forest department is doing everything it can for its
conservation and protection.
However, the CDV outbreak underlined vulnerability. More importantly,
of the 523 lions counted in 2015, 167 or around 32 per cent were living
outside the protected forest areas. These lions were roaming in revenue
areas where human activity remains high.
Gir forest, the core lion habitat, is surrounded by the human
population. In such a mixture of forest and agro-pastoral landscape,
man-animal conflict is obvious. Forest officers say the radio-collars
will help them keep a track of the movement of lions and identify their
corridors and territories. Such information will also help the forest
staff take decisions regarding patrolling and protection of lions and
thereby, help mitigate man-animal conflict.
Is there any precedence?
Until recently, Gir forest used to be the subject of a host of
research projects. Scientists at Wildlife Institute of India and other
researchers have tagged the Asiatic lions in the past. But the numbers
of individuals they had radio-collared were small.
Forest officers in Gujarat say this the largest project of its kind
not only in the state but across the country. They say that it is for
the first time that individuals of a single species are being
radio-collared in such a large number, simultaneously.
The forest department has formed five teams, comprising
veterinarians, wildlife trackers and forest guards for clamping radio
collars on lions in all the five districts. The project is likely to
cost the state government more than Rs five crore.
Will the collars have an adverse effect on the lions?
Not much, except the fact that it changes the natural look of the
collared lions, says Bhushan Pandya, a well-known wildlife photographer
and conservationist.
Shifting rail tracks out of the Gir forest
and shutting down all stone quarries located around it are some of the
steps suggested to save lions in a report submitted to the Gujarat High
Court Thursday.
The Gir Wildlife Sanctuary, part of the forest
spread across several Gujarat districts, is the last abode of Asiatic
lions in the world.
The steps were suggested in the report submitted to the division
bench of Justices S R Brahmbhatt and A P Thaker by senior advocate
Hemang Shah, who was appointed amicus curiae in the matter by the HC
last year when it admitted a PIL over the issue of death of Gir lions.
taking into consideration the findings of the report, the bench asked
the state government to file its reply and posted the matter for further
hearing on July 11.
In his report, Shah pointed out that lions are being run over by trains which ply through the forest area.
said at least 20 goods trains pass through the forest area and most of
them run during night, a time when lions come out for hunting and try to
cross the tracks.
Shah stated that a suggestion, made earlier by a
lawyer, to construct elevated corridor for trains inside the forest, is
not feasible.
Construction of such a structure would create noise
and air pollution and eventually "drive lions out of the forest", the
amicus curiae noted in his report.
"The only option is to shift
the railway tracks out of the forest area and beyond the 10 km zone.
These railway tracks are used for transporting containers to Pipavav
Port (in Amreli district).
"Thus, commercial activity needs to take a back seat while ensuring complete protection of lions," the report said.
He suggested that trains on this route must be stopped during the night for the safety of lions.
pointed out that though the Railway authorities had issued instructions
to regulate the speed of the trains, they are still plying "at more
than 60 km an hour".
Shah also suggested putting GPS-based radio
collars on lions to keep a watch on their movements and alert the field
staff whenever they come close to the tracks.
Expressing concern
over the mining activity near Mitiyala Wildlife Sanctuary of the Gir
forest, Shah said stone quarries are causing water and air pollution.
said the owners of these quarries had not constructed protection walls
to prevent lions from falling into deep pits dug up inside their
"It is quite surprising as to how these entities have
'managed' to secure permissions and approvals. All such stone quarry
sites should be closed down with immediate effect, irrespective of their
permissions and approvals. All such approvals should be cancelled with
immediate effect" the report said.
According to the 2015 census, there were 523 lions in the Gir forest.
The Gujarat government had last year claimed that their number had gone over 600.
(This story has not been edited by Business Standard staff and is auto-generated from a syndicated feed.) https://www.business-standard.com/article/pti-stories/must-shift-rail-tracks-shutdown-quarries-to-save-gir-lions-guj-hc-told-119062100013_1.html
Earlier, the court had directed the stakeholders in the case to
identify out issues that affect the conservation of lions and possible
Updated: Jun 21, 2019, 06:20 AM IST
Acting on a suo motu public interest litigation (PIL) questioning
the rampant lion details, amicus curiae Hemang Shah on Thursday filed a
report pointing out the issues affecting Asiatic Lion population in the
Gir region. Shah has pointed out 9 core issues, which according to him
needs to be taken into consideration by the court as well as the state
government so as to ensure the safety of lions. The core issues include open wells, railway tracks and trains
passing through the forest area, illegal electric fencing of farms by
farmers in the region, roads passing through the forest, mining and
excavation going in the area, illegal lion shows, appointment of
trackers and forest guards to keep track of lions, maintaining food
chain and water, and radio collaring of every lion and connecting them
with GPS.
Earlier, the court had directed the stakeholders in the case to
identify out issues that affect the conservation of lions and possible
solutions. It was contemplated by the court that whether an elevated
corridor for railways will reduce lion deaths, or not.
Shah informed the court that the elevated corridor is not feasible
as for constructing the elevated corridor, pillars will have to be
erected for which excavation will have to be carried out. He said the
construction activity will be detrimental to the lion population. The
court also inquired about the same from counsel for railways Ramnandan
Singh, who also submitted that elevated corridor is not feasible.
Shah also submitted that the mining activities going on in the area
is also detrimental to the lion population as explosives are used by
stone quarries. It was also pointed out that the stone quarries after
excavation leaves huge pits and lions may fall into it and die. He said
it was "surprising" how these stone quarries get license and that these
should be immediately closed down.
Following the submissions, the court has directed the state
government to file its reply to the report and scheduled the next
hearing on July 11. https://www.dnaindia.com/ahmedabad/report-nine-core-issues-affect-lions-in-gir-hemang-shah-2763243
Shankar Bennur
June 15, 2019 00:50 IST
A file photo of the lions at Mysuru zoo.
Sakkarbaug zoo in Gujarat is giving two pairs under an exchange scheme
The century-old Mysuru zoo will will soon be getting four young Asiatic lions from Gujarat.
Sakkarbaug zoo, a conservation centre for the endangered Asiatic lions,
has come forward to give the two pairs of carnivores in return for a
pair of hippopotamuses, and Indian gaurs (one male and two females).
The Asiatic lions, listed as an endangered species, live only in the wild in Gir forest in Gujarat.
Sakkarbaug zoo has bred many lions in captivity and released them into
the Gir forest to increase their numbers. It has also given the lions to
other Indian zoos under exchange programmes.
delegation from Zoo Authority of Karnataka (ZAK) went to Ahmedabad to
formally receive a letter on the exchange of animals from the Gujarat
government. The team visited Sakkarbaug to see the lions that are going
to be exchanged.
Mysuru Zoo Executive Director Ajit Kulkarni, who received the letter from authorities, told The Hindu from Ahmedabad that the exchange will boost the zoo’s captive breeding plans and also add attraction to the visitors.
will work out the logistics on bringing the animals to Mysuru. It will
take sometime and we will finish all formalities by then,” he said.
Mysuru zoo received a pair of lions from the Sakkarbaug zoo under the
exchange programme a few years ago. Gowri, a lioness, suffered a health
problem and did not recover fully despite constant treatment. She
delivered a cub, which died sometime later. Gowri has been kept off
display and is housed in an enclosure at the zoo’s hospital.
Only a
few Asiatic lions are left both in the wild and in captivity since
their breeding in captive conditions has been considered a big
Mysuru zoo housed Asiatic lions three decades ago.
They could not breed. It had in its collection cross-bred lions before
it was successful in getting an Asiatic lion pair from Sakkarbaug. https://www.thehindu.com/news/national/karnataka/mysuru-zoo-to-get-four-asiatic-lions/article27944129.ece
Sasan Gir (Gujarat), Jun 15 (UNI) Lion Safari
in Gir forest, meant for tourist activities, will be closed for four
months from Sunday, a senior forest official of the sanctuary said here
on Saturday. It is closed every year for four months during
monsoon, as per the provisions of the Wildlife Act 1972, to provide
safe environment to the lions and other wild animals during their
mating season in Monsoon period. The forest will reopen on October 16. The
sanctuary, which is a part of the Gir forest and spread in Gir-Somnath,
Junagadh and Amreli districts, also closes for visitors every year,
from June 16 to October 15. ''The practice is followed, because the
monsoon period is the mating season for lions, leopards and many other
wild animals and birds'', he said. The five-yearly Lion Census
conducted last time in May, 2015, had estimated the population of
Asiatic lions at 523 (27 per cent up, compared to previous census in
2010). The population was 411 in 2010 and 359 in 2005. As per the
2015 census, the population of lions in Junagadh district was 268, Gir
Somnath 44, Amreli District 174 (highest increase) and in adjoining
Bhavangar District was 37. Of them 109 were males, 201 females and 213
cubs. During the closure period, the forest department also conducts
various operations in the national park, including locating any stray
new born cub and rescuing it.
UNI RAJ JTS RJ 1924 http://www.uniindia.com/~/lion-safari-in-gir-forest-to-close-for-four-months/States/news/1632977.html
Mayor was given a brief introduction about the construction work being
carried out in the project amounting to Rs 121.00 crore being developed
by State Forest Department. The project covers an area about 227
hectares. various activities which will be being carried out in the zoo
are water reservoir, leopard closures, fencing, circular restaurant,
public amenities etc. The plantation of trees and ornamental plants is
being done by the department on war footing.
Jammu: Continuing his drive to provide better development activities
and to give a boost to tourism in Jammu region, Mayor Jammu Municipal
Corporation, Chander Mohan Gupta alongwith Divisional forest officer
wildlife, Amit Sharma and Anil Gupta AEE /Nodal Officer to Mayor JMC
today visited the Jambu Zoo at Jagti Nagotra.
The Mayor was informed that the main attraction in Jambu Zoo is going
to Asiatic Lion, Royal Bengal tiger, Black Beer, Marsh Crocodile, Black
bugs and many more animals.
IMD warns Cyclone Vayu can cause substantial damage even without hitting the ground, asks citizens to remain alert byWeb Team June 13, 2019
It is a major relief for millions of people in Gujarat as severe
Cyclone Vayu which was set to make landfall on Thursday along the
Gujarat coast, has changed its course and moved into the sea. According
to the Indian Meteorological Department, Cyclone Vayu has changed its
trajectory overnight and is now moving further into the sea. However, it
has warned that the cyclone can cause substantial damage even without
hitting the ground, asks citizens to remain alert. In spite of this, the
region will experience the effect of strong winds and heavy rains. In
1998, a severe cyclone had killed 10,000 people and over 11,000 animals
in Gujarat. It had damaged the port city of Kandla.
It is worth mentioning that Cyclone Vayu is the second deadliest
cyclone to hit the state since 1998 that had ravaged port town Kandla
killing 1,241 persons. This is also the second severe cyclonic storm to
hit the country this year. Earlier in May the eastern coast of India
was hit by Cyclone Fani, leaving a trail of destruction in Odisha.
Cyclonic storm Fani left 64 persons dead and at least 241 people injured
last month. The worst-hit Puri and Khurda districts of the state are
yet struggling to come back on the track.
The secretary at the Ministry of Earth Sciences M Rajeevan told PTI,
“Cyclone Vayu may not make landfall. It will only skirt the coast. It
has made a small deviation. But, its effect will be there with strong
winds and heavy rain,”
The Indian Meteorological Department (IMD) tweeted, “ Cyclone ‘VAYU’
over the Arabian Sea at 0530 hrs IST of today, the 13th June 2019 about
150 km south-southwest of Diu, 110 km southwest of Veraval (Gujarat)
& 150 km south of Porbandar (Gujarat).To skirt Saurashtra coast with
wind speed 135-145 kmph from today afternoon.”
Gujarat is still on alert. Nearly 3 lakh people from low-lying areas
had already been evacuated and shifted to safer locations before the
arrival of the cyclone. The Indian Army, Navy, and NDRF were put on
standby for any emergencies. They continue to be on alert even after the
threat of the cyclone has reduced.
Meanwhile, flight operations from Ahmedabad to Porbandar, Diu,
Kandla, Mundra, and Bhavnagar, continued to remain cancelled for
Thursday. Many trains are also cancelled.
Prior to this, the 1998 Gujarat cyclone was a deadly tropical cyclone
that killed at least 10,000 people in India. It made landfall on June
4, 1998, and dissipated on June 10, 1998. Over 11,000 animals were
killed. Over 162,000 structures were damaged or destroyed throughout the
affected area and damages amounted to Rs 120 billion.
The 2015 Gujarat cyclone, officially referred to as Deep Depression
ARB 02, brought heavy rains to Gujarat in June 2015. It made landfall on
22 June 2015 and dissipated on 24 June 2015. Following heavy rains,
Gujarat was affected by floods. The flood is also known as the June 2015
Gujarat flood or 2015 Amreli flood. The floods resulted in at least 81
deaths. The wildlife of Gir Forest National Park and the adjoining area
was also affected. The Gir Forest National Park and adjoining area
housing Asiatic lions, an endangered species with only 523 living
individuals documented in May 2015, was severely affected. The carcasses
of 10 lions, 1670 Nilgai, 87 spotted deer, nine black bucks, six wild
boars and some porcupines were also recovered.
In 2017, very severe cyclonic storm Ockhi devastated parts of Sri
Lanka and India. In its entirety, Cyclone Ockhi left a trail of massive
destruction in Sri Lanka, Lakshadweep, South India, and The Maldives, as
it strengthened from a depression to a mature cyclone. Though it
rapidly weakened during its final stages over the Arabian Sea, it caused
heavy rainfall along the western coast of India, particularly in
Maharashtra and Gujarat. Ockhi caused at least 245 fatalities, including
218 in India and 27 in Sri Lanka, and the storm left at least 550
people missing, mainly fishermen. Gujarat in constant touch with Odisha
The Gujarat government is in constant touch with Odisha in view of
the eastern state’s successful handing of similar calamities like
cyclone Fani in May this year and cyclone Titli last year. According to
sources, Gujarat chief secretary JN Singh called up his Odisha
counterpart AP Padhi and sought Odisha’s advice on how to tackle the
cyclonic storm on a war-footing. Padhi said, “Gujarat chief secretary
had called me up and discussed the measures to be taken ahead of the
landfall. We have offered all kind of help to Gujarat. However, the
Gujarat chief secretary has said that they will seek further help if
required keeping the situation in view.” The Odisha government offered
all help to Gujarat, which has launched a massive evacuation exercise to
shift people from low-lying areas of Saurashtra and Kutch regions.
Here is a list of Dos and Donts to keep people safe and alert during the tough times. https://www.afternoonvoice.com/vayu-brings-gujarat-on-high-alert-citizens-on-tenterhooks-as-a-1998-cyclone-took-10000-lives.html
Project Tiger, our achievements were also possible because wildlife
conservation is deep rooted in the Indian culture and tradition
India, a mega-biodiversity country with diverse climate and natural
habitats in the world, is the last hope for the survival of several
mega-mammals, including big cats on planet Earth. Of the seven big cats —
lion, tiger, jaguar, puma (mountain lion), common leopard, snow leopard
and cheetah (hunting leopard), five were found in India. But one of
them — hunting leopard — exterminated from the Indian sub-continent in
the early 1950s. Clouded leopard, a cat occurring in the north-east of
India, is also considered a big cat by some naturalists but it falls
slightly short of the minimum size of the big cat as its average weight
is just below 20 kg.
India’s wildlife richness is incomparable in the world. It were the
invaders, who brought a culture of reckless hunting, impacting the
abundance of mega-mammals. According to official records, over 80,000
tigers, more than 150,000 leopards and 200,000 wolves were slaughtered
between 1875 and 1925. About 300 lions were hunted around Delhi during
1957-58 a few years after independence. All four big cats have
disappeared from their previous habitats in Asia or are surviving in
restricted habitats in small numbers. But their story in India is
different. Their survival depends on their conservation here in India
where they still have viable populations despite high human population.
The Asiatic lion, which had extensive distribution in West Asia to
India, has a restricted population in the Gir forests in Gujarat. They
disappeared from the northern and western parts of the country. At
present, over two-thirds of the global population of the tiger is found
in 17 States in India. The number of other sub-species of the tiger in
other countries in Asia is very small and none of them has over 500
individuals. Similarly, out of about 20,000 Asiatic leopards in about
two and half dozen countries in Asia at present, 15,000- 16,000
individual leopards are estimated in India alone. Status of snow leopard
is not known but there is no sign of any significant decline of its
number in high altitudes of the Himalayas.
Occasionally, scientists and conservationists played the numbergame
by providing population figures which suited to their academic
greatness. Some of the figures quoted by naturalists and referred in the
scientific documents and papers are far from the truth. Hence, the
history of these big cats needs to be renewed. For example, the Nawab of
Junagadh and some naturalists quoted about dozen remnant numbers of the
Asiatic lion in the beginning of the 20th century. It has also been
quoted in all scientific literature. If Asiatic lion’s number was one
dozen in the first or second decade of the 20th century, then how could
it reach to 287 individuals in the first Asiatic lion census in 1936?
Annual hunting records also denied the low figure. In fact, logically,
the Asiatic lion population never dropped below 50 during its entire
history. Scientists and naturalists presented distorted and wrong
history of this species. The present number of over 600 lions, perhaps
over 700 as locals believe, is a healthy population spreading in four
districts, although the threat from epidemic disease is high due to
increased predation on domestic livestock, dogs and domestic animal
carcasses. Loss of habitats outside the Protected Areas is also a matter
of concern. The lion conservation landscape in Junagadh, Amreli,
Gir-Somanath and Bhavnagar support about 1,300 big cats (over 600 lions
and over 650 leopards). The numbers suggest human-wildlife conflict is a
matter of concern.
Future of the tiger also lies in India. Although its habitat and
distribution shrunk in the country, it is still found in about 90,000 sq
km area in 17 States. In the past, some naturalists quoted a figure of
40,000 individual tigers in India at the beginning of the 20th century.
This figure, too, has no scientific basis. After the declaration of
Project Tiger, the population of this big cat was estimated over 1,800
individuals, which increased consistently and doubled in three decades. A
reverse trend started due to massive poaching, after the success of its
conservation. The camera image trap method for tiger counting in 2006
quoted a population of 1,411 individual tigers in India. Naturalists
played the numbergame again. They publicised a decline by half. There
was over-reporting of the number of tigers by some States using the
pugmark method of counting, but the decline was not as drastic as
highlighted by non-field conservationists.
Undoubtedly, the disappearance of tiger from four reserves, including
Panna and Sariska, was a conservation blunder. The hullaballoo that
followed resulted in the birth of National Tiger Conservation Authority.
In 2006, tigers were never counted in Jharkhand, Sundarbans and
North-East of India, Naxalite affected areas and also other forests area
where few nomadic tigers occurred. Also, only sub-adult and
adult-tigers were counted and cubs below one and half years, which
constitute about 30 to 35 per cent of the population, were not
The numbers were again wrongly put. If all these are accounted
logically, tiger population, including cubs, was not below 2,000
individuals in 2006. In 2014, the number of sub-adult and adult tiger
was about 2,230 individuals, which was about 65 per cent of the global
tiger population. With cubs, the number was perhaps about 2,800-2,900
individuals. Initial survey in 2018 revealed that the number has gone up
due to strict protection measures India’s tiger habitats can support
about 3,000 individuals of sub-adult and adult tigers. With growing
human and industrial pressure in the previous habitats and around the
tiger reserves, protection of dispersing tiger is difficult.
Leopard, a versatile cat, has very high adaptive capacity. Its
population was never estimated accurately due to the concealing
behaviour of the smart cat. The surveys of this cat in different States
reveal that about 15 per cent to 20 per cent leopards are found outside
the national parks, wildlife sanctuaries and forests. The tea gardens,
sugarcane fields, ravines and agricultural fields have become habitats
for the leopards. Expanding irrigation network turned beneficial to this
cat. In 1964, EP Gee, a known wildlifer, quoted a figure of 6,000 to
7,000 leopards in India. He also mentioned that the number was 10 times
in the beginning of the 20th century. This figure is quoted in all
scientific documents. However, even with advanced technology, wildlife
managers failed to estimate its accurate population. So, how could a
naturalist guess a population of 6,000-7,000 leopards in 1960s?
Recently, a conservation organisation in collaboration with Karnataka
Forest Department projected an unbelievable population of 2,500 leopards
in Karnataka. As per the recent reports, Uttarakhand, Madhya Pradesh
and Karnataka each has an estimated leopard population of over 2,000
individuals. Gujarat and Chhattisgarh each has over 1,000 leopards.
Himachal Pradesh, Rajasthan, Maharashtra, Tamil Nadu, Kerala, West
Bengal and Odisha have over 500 or nearly 1,000 leopards. Leopard occurs
in 29 States and one Union Territory and its present population is
estimated about 15,000-16,000 in the country. Although leopard presence
is in over two and half dozen countries in Asia, none has above 1,000 of
the species. Only Iran has nearly 1,000. It is, thus, a matter of great
pride that about three-fourth of the total Asiatic leopard survives in
Conservation achievements of these big cats were possible because
wildlife conservation is deep rooted in the Indian culture and
tradition. Indian mythology, ancient art, literature, folk lore,
religion, rock edicts and scriptures, all provide ample proof that
wildlife enjoyed a privileged position in India’s ancient past. Kautilya’s Arthashastra,
a book written in the third century BCE, reveals the attention focussed
on wildlife in the Mauryan period: Certain forests were declared
protected and called Abhayaranya like the present day ‘sanctuary’. Heavy
penalties, including capital punishment, were prescribed for offenders
who entrapped or killed elephants, deer, bison, birds, or fish, among
other animals. Lord Mahavir Jain, Gautam Buddha and Mahatma Gandhi
always advocated Ahimsa towards living creatures.
The ashrams of rishis, which were sites of learning in the forests, were frequently visited by the animals. The Vedas, the Ramayana and the Mahabharata, the Upanishads, the Puranas, the Arthashastra and the Panchtantra
are among the many texts of ancient India that deal with the influence
of forests and wildlife on human society. Ashoka, the most powerful
monarchs, who put lions at the top of rock pillar, was a staunch
wildlife conservationist.
Another key factor for survival of carnivores in India is never
considered in analysis. About 524 million livestock in India provide
major food to carnivores such as big cats, canines, hyena, small
carnivores and raptors. Nearly half of the food for lions comes from
hunting of domestic animals or their carcasses. Leopard is largely
dependent on dogs, sheep, goats, poultry, other domestic animals and
their carcasses. The tigers also extract substantial food from livestock
abundantly available around the Tiger Reserves. (The writer is Member, National Board for Wildlife) https://www.dailypioneer.com/2019/columnists/big-cats-of-india.html
Himanshu Kaushik | TNN | Updated: Jun 11, 2019, 5:42 IST AHMEDABAD: After the canine distemper virus ravaged the Dalkhaniya range
in Dhari in 2018 — killing 29 lions — the state government announced
that it will create the separate division of Shetrunji to cover the
wandering lion population in Bhavnagar,
Amreli, Gir-Somanth, and parts of Botad. The forest department on
Monday carved out the separate division which will have the same powers
as the forest division of Sasan Gir. The new division, with a dedicated
staff of 400, will help officials offer better care to lions and their
habitat. The division will be served by 104 new posts, including deputy
conservator of forests, two assistant conservator of forests, and seven
range forest officers. A senior forest officer said that over the
past two years, more than 2,300 wild animals have been rescued and the
majority of them were from outside protected areas. Seven wildlife
rescue centres are being set up —including in Amreli, Gir-Somnath,
Junagadh, and Jamnagar districts.
Gujarat government announced that it will create the separate division of Shetrunji to cover the wandering lio...Read MoreAHMEDABAD:
After the canine distemper virus ravaged the Dalkhaniya range in Dhari
in 2018 — killing 29 lions — the state government announced that it will
create the separate division of Shetrunji to cover the wandering lion population in Bhavnagar,
Amreli, Gir-Somanth, and parts of Botad. The forest department on
Monday carved out the separate division which will have the same powers
as the forest division of Sasan Gir. The new division, with a dedicated
staff of 400, will help officials offer better care to lions and their
habitat. The division will be served by 104 new posts, including deputy
conservator of forests, two assistant conservator of forests, and seven
range forest officers. A senior forest officer said that over the
past two years, more than 2,300 wild animals have been rescued and the
majority of them were from outside protected areas. Seven wildlife
rescue centres are being set up —including in Amreli, Gir-Somnath,
Junagadh, and Jamnagar districts. The
division will comprise seven ranges, including Rajula, Jafarabad,
Liliya, Mahuva, Jesar, Palitana and Talaja. The officer said that with
the appointment of 400 field officers, tracking the movement of lions
and controlling illegal activities — such as lion shows — will become
easy. The official pointed out that the proposal to establish a new
division was first moved when Bharat Pathak was the chief conservator of
forests in Sasan. “He had sensed that the lion population was growing
and to control human-animal conflicts it was necessary to have a second
division in Shetrunji,” the official said. However, the proposal had
been gathering dust since 2010. Officials said that the new division
will cater to the population equivalent to that handled by the Sasan
division. A recent count had suggested that the lion population was 700.
Gir and the protected sanctuary can accommodate only 350-odd lions. The
remaining move across the unprotected areas of Amreli, Bhavnagar,
Gir-Somnath, Rajkot, and Botad. https://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/city/ahmedabad/new-forest-division-created-for-lions/articleshow/69732442.cms
Himanshu Kaushik | TNN | Updated: Jun 11, 2019, 8:26 IST SASAN GIR: The 36 Asiatic lions that have been quarantined for eight months following the canine distemper virus (CDV) outbreak will never be released into the wild, according to forest department officials. Apparently,
department's experts believe these big cats can contract the disease
again and become carriers of the virus thus putting other lions at risk.
Therefore, in the first week of May, the state forest department
decided to indefinitely extend captivity of the lions. However, Y V Jhala, a lion
expert from the Wildlife Institute of India, said, "All the 36 Asiatic
lions are immune to CDV as they have been vaccinated, and hence the fear
that they may become agents for another round of CDV outbreak is
unwarranted." Jhala added, "I don't see any reason why they should be
kept in confinement." Release of lions: Forest department to take a call "We
are not aware about the government's decision, nor have they contacted
us," he said. The CDV outbreak had occurred between September last week
and October first week in 2018 leading to deaths of 29 lions. Soon after
the outbreak, these 36 Asiatic lions from Sarasia Virdi and Semadi Naka
in Dhalkhaniya Range were quarantined and put in special enclosures in
Devalia and Sakarbaugh interpretation parks . Additional chief
secretary environment and forest, Rajiv Gupta, told TOI, "Right now, all
the 36 lions are at various interpretation zones. They have been
vaccinated and remain healthy. Whether these animals are to be released
into the wild or not is a call forest officials have to take." A
senior expert said, "These lions are now used to easy food. Once they
are released, their immunity may drop again, as they may not hunt much
and be vulnerable to CDV. This will put other lions in proximity to them
at risk." He also warned that the lions may even turn into man-eaters if they starve. https://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/city/ahmedabad/36-quarantined-lions-may-never-be-freed-in-the-wild/articleshow/69733949.cms
CM Vijay Rupani launched a high-tech ambulance for the rescue and treatment of endangered Asiatic lions. (File) Chief Conservator of Forests of
Junagadh Wildlife Circle, Dushyant Vasavada said that the ambulance,
called Lion Ambulance, is the first of its kind in the country.
CHIEF MINISTER Vijay Rupani launched a high-tech ambulance for the
rescue and treatment of endangered Asiatic lions and other wild animals
of the Gir forest, during his visit to the Gir National Park and
Sanctuary (GNPS) in Junagadh on Tuesday.
Rupani flagged off the ambulance during his visit to Sasan, the
headquarters of GNPS and the last abode of Asiatic lions in the world.
The CM said that the ambulance will aid Gujarat’s forest department in
their efforts towards the conservation of the endangered big cats, whose
population was estimated to be only 523 in the year 2015.
Chief Conservator of Forests of Junagadh Wildlife Circle, Dushyant
Vasavada said that the ambulance, called Lion Ambulance, is the first of
its kind in the country. It is fitted with an
anesthesia-cum-ventilator-cum multi-para machine, a blood analyser, and
an ultrasound imaging suite. “The ambulance cost around one crore. Three
similar ambulances will be ready in the next two months and will be
deployed in other areas,” Vasavada said.
Incidentally, over two dozen lions had died within three weeks of an
outbreak of the highly contagious and deadly Canine Distemper Virus
(CDV) in the Dalkhaniya range of the Gir (east) forest division, in
September last year. The forest department had scanned the entire
landscape and conducted a primary screening of the lions. 36 lions who
displayed symptoms of the disease were shifted to various rescue
Additional Chief Secretary (Forest and Environment) Rajiv Kumar Gupta
gave a presentation on the progress made in various projects taken
under the Rs 350-crore package declared by the state government for the
conservation of these lions. https://indianexpress.com/article/cities/ahmedabad/gujarat-vujay-rupani-launches-ambulance-for-lions-other-animals-in-gir-5776178/
Gujarat Chief Minister Vijay Rupani on
Tuesday reviewed the progress of state government's Rs 350 crore lion
conservation project launched in November last year after more than 15
big cats died in Gir forest.
Rupani held a meeting at Sasan-Gir with senior forest officials and asked them to expedite the implementation of the project.
The project includes setting up of a dedicated hospital for lions, a
research centre, purchasing drones and radio collars for better
surveillance, a quarantine facility, a vaccine centre, apart from
comprehensive training modules for forest staff, a state government
release said.
During his visit to the Gir National Park in Sasan
in Junagadh Tuesday, Rupani visited the animal care and rescue centre
and also flagged off a ambulance to tend to injured or ill lions, it
The Gujarat CM also suggested that forest staff use
electric vehicles instead of petrol or diesel ones for ferrying
tourists inside the national park, it said.
Giving details about
the animal exchange programme with other states, Rupani said various
zoos in Gujarat will get 142 rare wild animals from other states in
exchange for 30 lions, the release added. https://www.business-standard.com/article/pti-stories/guj-cm-reviews-rs-350-cr-lion-conservation-project-in-gir-119061101300_1.html
Himanshu Kaushik | TNN | Updated: Jun 12, 2019, 11:26 IST SASAN GIR: Since 1971, no more than 30 lions have been radio-collared
for research, but following the CDV virus outbreak in September-October,
the state government has begun radio-collaring some 44 wild lions, the
number to be covered in the first phase of this project. The second
phase will cover 56 lions. “This is the first time lions are being
radio-collared on such a scale. Such a large number of wild animals have
never been radio-collared by any agency, let alone big cats,” said
Dhiraj Mittal, DCF Dhari West, who is coordinating the project.
Wildlife Institue of India big-cat expert and Project Tiger member Y V Jhala said, “This is the first time that the Gujarat Forest department on its own is tagging lions. Such large scale tagging has not been taken even for tigers.” Mittal
said, “The decision to tag lions was taken to monitor their movements
in areas where they are in regular contact with humans. The tagging will
also help in disease surveillance. Among big cats, when an animal is
sick it goes into hiding or isolation. This will immediately allow the
monitoring team to know that the animal has been at one place for a
couple of days and a lion ambulance or rescue team can be rushed to the
spot.” According to foresters, tagging one lioness or lion will also
help monitor the movement of a full pride, as the entire group moves
together. Thus, radio-collaring 100-odd lions would mean keeping an eye
on 500 animals. Monitoring from a control room will give information
about how much the lion has moved or whether it has made an area its
permanent home. The data will also provide an idea of whether the animal
keeps coming to the Gir sanctuary or not. |https://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/city/ahmedabad/forest-dept-to-put-high-tech-radio-collars-on-100-lions/articleshow/69747875.cms
Bhurabhai Rabari, a resident of Balundra in Banaskantha, was watering
his field when he claims to have been attacked from behind by a mother
sloth bear accompanied by cubs. Bhavabhai was hospitalized with severe
injuries on his head. It seems the scent of water drew the thirsty
animals to Bhavabhai. Sarubhai Rabari, brother of Bhavabhai, says,
"The sloth bear attacked only for water, as borewell water was flowing
on the field when the attack took place." Foresters say the conflicts between humans and sloth bears have gone up
as the animals are increasingly venturing outside the sanctuary. There
have been at least four sloth bear attacks on people near the Jessore
Sloth Bear Sanctuary area in last 30 days. Not just sloth bears but
even Asiatic lions and wild ass are venturing near human settlements in
search of water, say farmers and villagers living near sanctuaries. Aquatic
and amphibian animals are of course the worst affected. At least 10-odd
crocodile rescues have been reported from Kodinar taluka, where
crocodiles from the Singhoda River are often seen venturing onto revenue
land in search of water. Some experts and villagers feel that due
to inadequate rainfall in Gujarat, and especially in Banaskantha, for
the last two years, the sloth sanctuary is suffering from lack of food
and water, thus forcing the animals to venture out. Artificial ponds
have been created inside the sanctuary as waterholes, but they seem
inadequate. Maganbhai Prajapati, former sarpanch of Balundra
village, says, "As the sun sets, one can see heightened activity of
sloth bears in villages near the sanctuary." Sloth bear sightings,
however, have currently gone down after villagers pressurized the
administration to fill the watering holes regularly inside the
sanctuary. "Following four attacks in a month in Hariyawada, Deri
and Balundra village, outcry from the villagers pressurized the
administration to send one water tanker regularly to fill the
waterholes. As a result, the sightings of sloth bears near human
settlements have gone down," Prajapati added. Another sarpanch, who
refused to be named, said, "There have been attacks on 25-odd people in
the Amirgadh taluka. The lack of water inside the sanctuary was drawing
these animals out and bringing them into direct conflict with humans." H
S Singh, Member of the National Board for Wildlife, said, "In years
where there is less rainfall, there is always shortage of food and water
and wild animals move out of sanctuary. Only lack of water can’t be blamed Ganga
Sharan Singh, deputy conservator of forests, Banaskantha wildlife
division says, "We have adequate waterholes in the sanctuary and sloth
bears venturing out of the sanctuary in search of water is a rare
possibility." Singh said there are adequate waterholes in the sanctuary
that are regularly filled. N P S Chauhan, the director of Institute of
forest and wildlife of a private university, agrees with the view of
foresters. "It may not be appropriate to say that these bears move out
of the sanctuary only for water. There are several factors which may
influence them," Chauhan said. Leaving sanctuary for better food In
dry climate termites and ants decrease in the sanctuary. Moreover, in
the nearby fields there are beehives, the favourite food of bears, "
said G S Singh, DCF, Banaskantha. "Bears trying to rob honey may come
across tribal farmers sleeping in fields at night and attacks may
happen," he said. H S Singh said, "Cattle grazing in the sanctuary
increases in drought years disturbing sloth bears. Moreover, mahuva
flower and fruit, as also honey draws them out." Conflict possible along natural corridors MM
Sharma, in-charge principal chief conservator of forests (wildlife)
says, "There are sufficient waterholes in the sanctuaries and it is a
popular myth animals move out of sanctuaries in search of food." Sharma
said, "They come into conflict with humans while moving along their
natural corridor." He added, "The sanctuary, in case of sloth bear is
fragmented and there are fields in between these sanctuaries. Hence when
an animal moves from one area to another such incidents take place." N P
S Chauhan said, "There are natural corridors and sloth bears are known
to explore new areas to survive." Attacks rise after droughts HS
Singh, Member of the National Board for Wildlife, said that in case of
big cats including lions, man-animal conflicts increased when after
severe droughts rain arrived. After a drought in 1987-88 there were 125
attacks on humans and 20 men and women were killed. Similarly in
1901-03, when there were droughts, 64 human deaths were reported from
man-animal conflicts. Enough waterholes in lion sanctuaries DT
Vasavada, chief conservator of forests, says "In case of lions we have
over 450 watering points which is sufficient. These points are filled
daily and any case of lions venturing out for water is not possible."
Kathi Raj, a resident of Liliya in the lion belt, says that the
sightings of lions outside the sanctuary are increasing and these were
mainly happening in fields where there was water. There are three to
four videos daily going viral of lion groups in the fields, he said. A
sarpanch of a village on the outskirts of Gir sanctuary says: "The
department has adequate waterholes in the sanctuary, but lions roam
across a territory that stretches till Palitana and Porbandar." He
added, "In revenue areas of lion territory, there are few waterholes and
lions move into agricultural fields in search of water." He added that
farmers are filling field troughs with water to lure lions, as once a
big cat family finds water regularly in an area, they try to settle down
there. https://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/city/ahmedabad/its-a-jungle-out-there-as-animal-attacks-rise/articleshow/69708403.cms
Forest department officials said that in both
cases the leopards had gotten trapped by the electric transformers as
they were chasing their prey.
Vijaysinh Parmar | News18 Updated:June 7, 2019, 2:20 PM ISTAhmedabad: Two leopards died after being
electrocuted in two separate incidents in the last two days near
Gujarat's Gir Wildlife Sanctuary.
According to forest department officials, in both cases, the
leopards got trapped by the electric transformers as they were chasing
their prey.
On Friday morning, a 4-year-old female leopard was found dead with
its corpse stuck to the electric transformer at a farm in Junagadh
district’s Talala village.
The incident reportedly took place in Talala Forest Range of the Western Division of the Wildlife Sanctuary.
“Primary report suggests that leopard died of electrocution. All
the nails were found from the animal’s body. We sent wild cat’s carcass
for post mortem for further probe,’’ a forest official said.
Earlier on June 6, an 8-year-old female leopard was found dead
with its carcass also stuck to an electric transformer in a farm in
Vangdhra village in the Eastern Division’s Tulsishyam forest Range.
Forest officials said that the leopard died due to electrocution.
“It seems that the leopard may have been trapped by the electric
transformer while chasing his prey and died after being electrocuted,’’
an official said.
Such incidents of leopards dying of electrocution are a regular
occurrence at Gir Wildlife Sanctuary and safety measures regarding
electric transformers are not taken to avert these accidental deaths.
The last abode of the Asiatic lion in the world, the Sanctuary has 1395 leopards as per the 2016 census data.
Vow to protect forest on two hillocks near their village on World Environment Day
Adivasis of Girjai, a village in Bazarhatnoor mandal where Naxalites
had settled in the early 1980s by illegally clearing the forest, have
vowed to protect the forest on two hillocks near their village. The
hillocks encompassing about 1,000 acres will now be free of biotic
pressures as grazing will be banned, ensuring natural regeneration of
degraded vegetation on them.
The district forest department, which
is helping the village in development, had Raj Gond villagers take an
oath in this regard on World Environment Day on Wednesday. “We would
have wanted the villagers to take up plantation in the forest but
availability of water was a constraint,” said District Forest Officer B.
During a visit by the DFO on Tuesday, villagers sought
an open well, a check dam and uninterrupted three-phase power supply to
strengthen agriculture. They agreed to plant teak trees on the bunds of
their fields as the species survives extreme summers.
“They have
given us a list of types of fruit-bearing trees for homestead
plantation. We are making an estimate of costs,” he added. https://www.thehindu.com/news/national/telangana/girjai-adivasis-take-the-green-pledge/article27527882.ece
TNN | Updated: Jun 5, 2019, 11:38 IST
KOLKATA: The Alipore Zoological Gardens officials have decided to go for a DNA test of the lion cub, rescued from a car on Belghoria Expressway early on Saturday, to find its origin — whether it’s an African or Asiatic.
Member secretary of state zoo authority, V K Yadav, said they have held a meeting with Zoological Survey of India
officials. “The meeting was held on Tuesday and ZSI officials may visit
the zoo soon to collect the DNA samples of the three-month-old male
lion cub,” added Yadav. Mukesh Thakur, Scientist ‘C’ at ZSI, told
TOI he would visit the zoo next week to collect the samples. “The DNA
tests can be carried out through faeces samples. If the lion cub is
healthy, then we can also collect its blood or fur for the tests. The
results will be available in another two weeks,” Thakur added. According
to him, if it turns out to be an Asiatic lion, then more details can be
found out from the tests. “We have a single population of Asiatic
lion in Gujarat’s Gir and their DNA database is available online. If
it’s an Asiatic lion cub, then the DNA tests can also reveal whether it
was born in the wild or bred in any zoo,” he added. A committee with
zoo vets has been formed that will take a call on the surgery of the
tail of a white-headed langur, also rescued the same day. “It’s tail is
infected. The panel will check and decide whether it needs to be
amputated,” said Yadav. The forest department on Tuesday filed a
petition, seeking cancellation of bail of three accused, before the
vacation bench of Justice Shampa Sarkar. It will be heard on June 6.
State’s chief wildlife warden Ravi Kant Sinha said: “I am not aware of
today’s developments, but the process to file the application was on.” The
lion cub, along with two white-headed langurs, considered ‘critically
endangered’, and a Javan lutung, a ‘vulnerable’ species, were found from
nylon bags inside an SUV on Belghoria Expressway in the early hours of
Saturday. Three persons arrested in this connection were later granted
bail after their production in a Barrackpore court the same day. Officials suspect that the prime accused, name of whom the forest department has refused to divulge, might leave the country. https://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/city/kolkata/african-or-asiatic-dna-tests-to-decode-origin-of-lion-cub/articleshow/69656734.cms