રસુલપરા, શિરવાણ અને જાવંત્રી ગીર ગામે ઝુંટવી લેવાયેલી એસ.ટી. બસ સેવા શરૃ કરવા સહિતના પ્રશ્ને ફરી ગ્રામસભામાં રજૂઆત | ||||
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Saturday, December 25, 2010
ગીર પંથકમાં સુવિધાઓ આપવાને બદલે છીનવી લેવાની રાજનીતિ
જંગલના ઘાતકી નિયમો: સિંહણે બચ્ચાંને તરછોડી દીધું.
Source: Bhaskar News, Amreli | Last Updated 12:28 AM [IST](25/12/2010
- માની મમતાની કહેવત કદાચ જંગલના પ્રાણીને નહીં લાગુ પડતી હોય
- દોઢ માસના સિંહબાળને વનવિભાગે પકડી સક્કરબાગ ઝૂમાં મોકલી આપ્યું
જંગલમાં જીવનના નિયમો અતિ ઘાતકી છે. અહીં તાકતવરની બોલબાલા છે. જે પ્રાણી નબળુ પડે છે તેનો સાથ પોતાના પણ મૂકી દે છે. પછી તે જંગલનો રાજા ગણાતો સાવજ કેમ ન હોય.
ગીર જંગલની તુલશીશ્યામ રેન્જમાં દોઢેક માસના સિંહબાળને તેની માતાએ તરછોડી દીધું છે. કારણ કે તેના પગમાં ખોડ છે. આ બચ્ચું જીવતા રહેવા માટે જંગલના નિયમોને અનુસરી શકે તેમ નથી. જેથી તેની માએ તેને તરછોડી અન્ય બચ્ચા સાથે ચાલતી પકડી છે. સદ્નસીબે આ બચ્ચુ જંગલખાતાને હાથ લાગતા બચાવી લઇ સક્કરબાગ ઝૂમાં લઇ જવાયું છે.
તુલશીશ્યામ રેન્જમાં રબારિકા રાઉન્ડમાં દલડી ગામના એક કુંભાર ખેડૂતના ખેતરમાંથી આ તરછોડાયેલું સિંહબાળ મળી આવ્યું હતું. ગઇકાલે સવારે જ્યારે તેઓ વાડીએ પહોંચ્યા ત્યારે તેમણે આ સિંહબાળને નીહાળ્યું હતું. સૌપ્રથમ તો તેમણે એવું અનુમાન લગાવ્યું હતું કે સિંહણ તેના બચ્ચાની આજુબાજુમાં જ હશે. પરંતુ અહીં બચ્ચું એકલું જ હતું. તેની માતા આજુબાજુ ક્યાંય નજરે ન પડતાં કંઇક અજુગતું હોવાથી તેમને આશંકા જાગી હતી.
આ બારામાં તેમણે તુરંત વનતંત્રને જાણ કરતાં અધિકારીઓ સ્ટાફ સાથે અહીં દોડી ગયા હતા. સિંહબાળ આશરે દોઢેક માસનું હોવાનું જણાવ્યું હતું. વનખાતાના સ્ટાફે બચ્ચાનો કબજો સંભાળી દૂધ પીવડાવ્યું હતું. બીજી તરફ ગીરપૂર્વમાં વેટરનરી ડોક્ટરની જગ્યા ખાલી હોવાથી તેની મેડિકલ ચકાસણી થઇ શકી ન હતી. પરંતુ તપાસ દરમિયાન એવું જોવા મળ્યું હતું કે નર સિંહબાળના જમણા પગમાં ખોડ છે.
જેના કારણે તે લંગડાતું ચાલતું હતું. જંગલમાં આ બચ્ચાનું મોત સિવાય કોઇ જ ભવિષ્ય ન હતું કારણ કે સિંહણે તો વિકલાંગ બચ્ચાને તરછોડી દીધું હતું. સદ્નસીબે બચ્ચું વનતંત્રના હાથમાં આવતા હવે તેને સક્કરબાગ ઝૂમાં મોકલી દેવાયું છે. જ્યાં બચ્ચાની સારવાર પણ શક્ય છે. હવે આ સિંહબાળની બાકીની જિંદગી ઝૂમાં જ પસાર થાય તેવી શક્યતા વધુ છે. આ બચ્ચાનું ભવિષ્ય પણ કદાચ કોઇ પ્રાણીના પેટ ભરવાથી વિશેષ ન હતું.
એટલે જ કદાચ સગી જનેતાએ તેને છોડી દીધું હતું. પરંતુ જંગલના કાયદા કરતા ઉપરવાળાનો કાયદો વધુ મજબૂત છે. ઉપરવાળાએ બચ્ચાના નસીબમાં જીવન લખ્યું છે.
સિંહણ સાથે હજુ પણ એક બચ્ચું છે આ વિસ્તારના સૂત્રોમાંથી જાણવા મળતી વિગત મુજબ સિંહણે બે બચ્ચાને જન્મ આપ્યો હતો.
જે પૈકી માદા સિંહબાળ હાલમાં સિંહણની સાથે છે. જ્યારે નર સિંહબાળ વિકલાંગ હોય ઝૂમાં પહોંચી ગયું હતું. સિંહણ સાથે હાલમાં એક જ સિંહબાળ હોવાથી તેનો ઉછેર ખૂબ જ સરળતાથી થઇ શકશે.
Source: http://www.divyabhaskar.co.in/article/SAU-jungles-murderous-rules-lioness-disregard-her-child-1686600.html
- માની મમતાની કહેવત કદાચ જંગલના પ્રાણીને નહીં લાગુ પડતી હોય
- દોઢ માસના સિંહબાળને વનવિભાગે પકડી સક્કરબાગ ઝૂમાં મોકલી આપ્યું
જંગલમાં જીવનના નિયમો અતિ ઘાતકી છે. અહીં તાકતવરની બોલબાલા છે. જે પ્રાણી નબળુ પડે છે તેનો સાથ પોતાના પણ મૂકી દે છે. પછી તે જંગલનો રાજા ગણાતો સાવજ કેમ ન હોય.
ગીર જંગલની તુલશીશ્યામ રેન્જમાં દોઢેક માસના સિંહબાળને તેની માતાએ તરછોડી દીધું છે. કારણ કે તેના પગમાં ખોડ છે. આ બચ્ચું જીવતા રહેવા માટે જંગલના નિયમોને અનુસરી શકે તેમ નથી. જેથી તેની માએ તેને તરછોડી અન્ય બચ્ચા સાથે ચાલતી પકડી છે. સદ્નસીબે આ બચ્ચુ જંગલખાતાને હાથ લાગતા બચાવી લઇ સક્કરબાગ ઝૂમાં લઇ જવાયું છે.
તુલશીશ્યામ રેન્જમાં રબારિકા રાઉન્ડમાં દલડી ગામના એક કુંભાર ખેડૂતના ખેતરમાંથી આ તરછોડાયેલું સિંહબાળ મળી આવ્યું હતું. ગઇકાલે સવારે જ્યારે તેઓ વાડીએ પહોંચ્યા ત્યારે તેમણે આ સિંહબાળને નીહાળ્યું હતું. સૌપ્રથમ તો તેમણે એવું અનુમાન લગાવ્યું હતું કે સિંહણ તેના બચ્ચાની આજુબાજુમાં જ હશે. પરંતુ અહીં બચ્ચું એકલું જ હતું. તેની માતા આજુબાજુ ક્યાંય નજરે ન પડતાં કંઇક અજુગતું હોવાથી તેમને આશંકા જાગી હતી.
આ બારામાં તેમણે તુરંત વનતંત્રને જાણ કરતાં અધિકારીઓ સ્ટાફ સાથે અહીં દોડી ગયા હતા. સિંહબાળ આશરે દોઢેક માસનું હોવાનું જણાવ્યું હતું. વનખાતાના સ્ટાફે બચ્ચાનો કબજો સંભાળી દૂધ પીવડાવ્યું હતું. બીજી તરફ ગીરપૂર્વમાં વેટરનરી ડોક્ટરની જગ્યા ખાલી હોવાથી તેની મેડિકલ ચકાસણી થઇ શકી ન હતી. પરંતુ તપાસ દરમિયાન એવું જોવા મળ્યું હતું કે નર સિંહબાળના જમણા પગમાં ખોડ છે.
જેના કારણે તે લંગડાતું ચાલતું હતું. જંગલમાં આ બચ્ચાનું મોત સિવાય કોઇ જ ભવિષ્ય ન હતું કારણ કે સિંહણે તો વિકલાંગ બચ્ચાને તરછોડી દીધું હતું. સદ્નસીબે બચ્ચું વનતંત્રના હાથમાં આવતા હવે તેને સક્કરબાગ ઝૂમાં મોકલી દેવાયું છે. જ્યાં બચ્ચાની સારવાર પણ શક્ય છે. હવે આ સિંહબાળની બાકીની જિંદગી ઝૂમાં જ પસાર થાય તેવી શક્યતા વધુ છે. આ બચ્ચાનું ભવિષ્ય પણ કદાચ કોઇ પ્રાણીના પેટ ભરવાથી વિશેષ ન હતું.
એટલે જ કદાચ સગી જનેતાએ તેને છોડી દીધું હતું. પરંતુ જંગલના કાયદા કરતા ઉપરવાળાનો કાયદો વધુ મજબૂત છે. ઉપરવાળાએ બચ્ચાના નસીબમાં જીવન લખ્યું છે.
સિંહણ સાથે હજુ પણ એક બચ્ચું છે આ વિસ્તારના સૂત્રોમાંથી જાણવા મળતી વિગત મુજબ સિંહણે બે બચ્ચાને જન્મ આપ્યો હતો.
જે પૈકી માદા સિંહબાળ હાલમાં સિંહણની સાથે છે. જ્યારે નર સિંહબાળ વિકલાંગ હોય ઝૂમાં પહોંચી ગયું હતું. સિંહણ સાથે હાલમાં એક જ સિંહબાળ હોવાથી તેનો ઉછેર ખૂબ જ સરળતાથી થઇ શકશે.
Source: http://www.divyabhaskar.co.in/article/SAU-jungles-murderous-rules-lioness-disregard-her-child-1686600.html
ઉલ્ટી ગંગા:ક્રિસમસ ઉજવવા બીજા રાજ્યના લોકો ગીરમાં.
Source: Devsi Barad | Last Updated 11:02 AM [IST](25/12/2010અત્યાર સુધી ક્રિસમસની રજાના હોટ ફેવરિટ સ્થળ તરીકે પ્રવાસીઓનો ધસારો માત્ર ગોવા, હિમાચલ, દિલ્હી કે મુંબઈ તરફી જ રહ્યો છે, પરંતુ અમિતાભ બચ્ચનની ‘ખૂશ્બુ ગુજરાત કી’ એડ્ ફિલ્મની જાદુઈ અસર હવે જોવા મળી રહી છે.
ચાલુ વર્ષે આઉટ સ્ટેટમાંથી અસંખ્ય પ્રવાસીઓ ક્રિસમસની રજામાં એશિયાટિક લાયનના ઘર ગીરમાં આવી પહોંચ્યા છે. મહારાષ્ટ્ર, બંગાળ, દિલ્હી અને દક્ષિણ ભારતમાંથી મોટા પ્રમાણમાં પ્રવાસીઓનો ધસારો જોવા મળી રહ્યો છે. ભારે ધસારાને કારણે ગીરમાં આવેલી મોટા ભાગની હોટેલ ૨૫ ડિસેમ્બરથી ૪ જાન્યુઆરી સુધી બુક થઈ ગઈ છે. સૂત્રોએ જણાવ્યું હતું કે, ગુજરાત ટુરઝિમના આ એડ્ કેમ્પેઇનને કારણે ક્રિસમસમાં ૨૫થી ૩૦ ટકાનો વધારાનો ટ્રાફિક જોવા મળી રહ્યો છે.
આ વખતે ક્રિસમસ વીક એન્ડમાં ગીર તરફ આવતા પ્રવાસીઓનો ધસારો વધી ગયો છે. દિવાળીના વેકેશનમાં ગીરમાં ગુજરાતના જુદા જુદા ભાગમાંથી પ્રવાસીઓનો સારો ધસારો રહ્યો હતો, જો કે ક્રિસમસ અને નવા વર્ષના વેકેશનમાં મહારાષ્ટ્ર, રાજસ્થાન, બંગાળ, દિલ્હી, કેરળ વગેરેના પ્રવાસીઓનું પ્રમાણ પણ વધારે રહ્યું છે.
વિવિધ હોટેલનાં સ્થાનિક સૂત્રોએ જણાવ્યું હતું કે, ચાલુ વર્ષે અન્ય રાજ્યના પ્રવાસીઓનું પ્રમાણ વધારે છે, જેઓ ક્રિસમસની ઉજવણી ગીરમાં સિંહની ત્રાડ સાંભળીને કરવાના છે. પૂનાના પ્રવાસી શ્રીધર શ્રીનિવાસે ગીરની મુલાકાત અંગે ‘દિવ્ય ભાસ્કર’ને જણાવ્યું હતું કે, ‘ટીવી ઉપર ગીરની ખ્યાતિ જોઈ હંુ મારા પરિવાર સાથે ગીર આવ્યો છું. અમારા પરિવારની ક્રિસમસની ઉજવણી અને િંસહદર્શન બંને થઈ ગયાં છે. સિંહજોઈને અમે એકદમ રોમાંચિત થઈ ગયા હતા.’ અન્ય રાજ્યના પ્રવાસી ગુજરાતની મહેમાનગતિથી ખૂબ પ્રભાવિત છે. તેઓ કહે છે કે અહીં અન્ય રાજ્ય જેવી તકલીફ નથી, હોટેલો સાથે ગાઇડ અને ફોરેસ્ટ વિભાગનો પૂરતો સહકાર મળે છે.
ગીર હોટેલ એસોસિયેશનના ઉપપ્રમુખ હમીરભાઈ બારડ કહે છે કે, ‘ ચાલુ વર્ષે અમિતાભના કારણે ક્રિસમસમાં ૨૫થી ૩૦ ટકા વધારે પ્રવાસીઓ આવ્યા છે. ક્રિસમસનની રજાઓમાં દેશનાં અન્ય પર્યટક સ્થળોએ જતા પ્રવાસીઓનો ધસારો આ વર્ષે અહીં સારો જોવા મળ્યો છે. હોટેલ અનિલ ફાર્મના શમસુભાઈ કહે છે, ‘ અમારી હોટેલમાં મહારાષ્ટ્ર અને બંગાળના પ્રવાસીઓની સંખ્યા હાલ વધારે છે.’
અન્ય રાજ્યોના પ્રવાસીઓની સાથે વિદેશી પર્યટકોમાં પણ વધારો: ડીસીએફ સંદીપકુમાર‘અમિતાભ બચ્ચનના એડ્ કેમ્પેઇનને કારણે ગીરમાં હાલ પ્રવાસીઓનો ભારે ધસારો જાવો મળી રહ્યો છે. અહીં રાજ્યના પ્રવાસીઓનો ટ્રાફિક તો હતો, પરંતુ એડ કેમ્પેઇનને કારણે હવે ક્રિસમસની રજાઓમાં દિલ્હી, મુંબઈ, કોલકાતા તથા તામિલનાડુ, કેરળ, રાજસ્થાન, મહારાષ્ટ્રના પ્રવાસીઓ પણ ગીરના પ્રવાસ માટે આકષૉયા છે, તેમજ વિદેશી પ્રવાસીઓની સંખ્યા પણ વધી છે.’
સંદીપકુમાર, ડીસીએફ - ગીર અભયારણ્ય અને નેશનલ પાર્ક
Source: http://www.divyabhaskar.co.in/article/MGUJ-AHM-c-69-724864-1689170.html?HT1=
ચાલુ વર્ષે આઉટ સ્ટેટમાંથી અસંખ્ય પ્રવાસીઓ ક્રિસમસની રજામાં એશિયાટિક લાયનના ઘર ગીરમાં આવી પહોંચ્યા છે. મહારાષ્ટ્ર, બંગાળ, દિલ્હી અને દક્ષિણ ભારતમાંથી મોટા પ્રમાણમાં પ્રવાસીઓનો ધસારો જોવા મળી રહ્યો છે. ભારે ધસારાને કારણે ગીરમાં આવેલી મોટા ભાગની હોટેલ ૨૫ ડિસેમ્બરથી ૪ જાન્યુઆરી સુધી બુક થઈ ગઈ છે. સૂત્રોએ જણાવ્યું હતું કે, ગુજરાત ટુરઝિમના આ એડ્ કેમ્પેઇનને કારણે ક્રિસમસમાં ૨૫થી ૩૦ ટકાનો વધારાનો ટ્રાફિક જોવા મળી રહ્યો છે.
આ વખતે ક્રિસમસ વીક એન્ડમાં ગીર તરફ આવતા પ્રવાસીઓનો ધસારો વધી ગયો છે. દિવાળીના વેકેશનમાં ગીરમાં ગુજરાતના જુદા જુદા ભાગમાંથી પ્રવાસીઓનો સારો ધસારો રહ્યો હતો, જો કે ક્રિસમસ અને નવા વર્ષના વેકેશનમાં મહારાષ્ટ્ર, રાજસ્થાન, બંગાળ, દિલ્હી, કેરળ વગેરેના પ્રવાસીઓનું પ્રમાણ પણ વધારે રહ્યું છે.
વિવિધ હોટેલનાં સ્થાનિક સૂત્રોએ જણાવ્યું હતું કે, ચાલુ વર્ષે અન્ય રાજ્યના પ્રવાસીઓનું પ્રમાણ વધારે છે, જેઓ ક્રિસમસની ઉજવણી ગીરમાં સિંહની ત્રાડ સાંભળીને કરવાના છે. પૂનાના પ્રવાસી શ્રીધર શ્રીનિવાસે ગીરની મુલાકાત અંગે ‘દિવ્ય ભાસ્કર’ને જણાવ્યું હતું કે, ‘ટીવી ઉપર ગીરની ખ્યાતિ જોઈ હંુ મારા પરિવાર સાથે ગીર આવ્યો છું. અમારા પરિવારની ક્રિસમસની ઉજવણી અને િંસહદર્શન બંને થઈ ગયાં છે. સિંહજોઈને અમે એકદમ રોમાંચિત થઈ ગયા હતા.’ અન્ય રાજ્યના પ્રવાસી ગુજરાતની મહેમાનગતિથી ખૂબ પ્રભાવિત છે. તેઓ કહે છે કે અહીં અન્ય રાજ્ય જેવી તકલીફ નથી, હોટેલો સાથે ગાઇડ અને ફોરેસ્ટ વિભાગનો પૂરતો સહકાર મળે છે.
ગીર હોટેલ એસોસિયેશનના ઉપપ્રમુખ હમીરભાઈ બારડ કહે છે કે, ‘ ચાલુ વર્ષે અમિતાભના કારણે ક્રિસમસમાં ૨૫થી ૩૦ ટકા વધારે પ્રવાસીઓ આવ્યા છે. ક્રિસમસનની રજાઓમાં દેશનાં અન્ય પર્યટક સ્થળોએ જતા પ્રવાસીઓનો ધસારો આ વર્ષે અહીં સારો જોવા મળ્યો છે. હોટેલ અનિલ ફાર્મના શમસુભાઈ કહે છે, ‘ અમારી હોટેલમાં મહારાષ્ટ્ર અને બંગાળના પ્રવાસીઓની સંખ્યા હાલ વધારે છે.’
અન્ય રાજ્યોના પ્રવાસીઓની સાથે વિદેશી પર્યટકોમાં પણ વધારો: ડીસીએફ સંદીપકુમાર‘અમિતાભ બચ્ચનના એડ્ કેમ્પેઇનને કારણે ગીરમાં હાલ પ્રવાસીઓનો ભારે ધસારો જાવો મળી રહ્યો છે. અહીં રાજ્યના પ્રવાસીઓનો ટ્રાફિક તો હતો, પરંતુ એડ કેમ્પેઇનને કારણે હવે ક્રિસમસની રજાઓમાં દિલ્હી, મુંબઈ, કોલકાતા તથા તામિલનાડુ, કેરળ, રાજસ્થાન, મહારાષ્ટ્રના પ્રવાસીઓ પણ ગીરના પ્રવાસ માટે આકષૉયા છે, તેમજ વિદેશી પ્રવાસીઓની સંખ્યા પણ વધી છે.’
સંદીપકુમાર, ડીસીએફ - ગીર અભયારણ્ય અને નેશનલ પાર્ક
Source: http://www.divyabhaskar.co.in/article/MGUJ-AHM-c-69-724864-1689170.html?HT1=
ગિરનાર સ્પર્ધા માટે છેલ્લા દિવસે હજાર ફોર્મ ભરાયા.
જૂનાગઢ, તા.૨
જૂનાગઢના ગરવા ગિરનારની ગોદમાં આગામી માસમાં યોજાનાર રાજ્ય કક્ષાની ર૭મી ગિરનાર આરોહણ - અવરોહણ સ્પર્ધામાં ફોર્મ ભરવાના છેલ્લા દિવસે સ્પર્ધકોનો ધસારો જોવા મળ્યો હતો. છેલ્લા દિવસે ૧૦૦૦થી વધુ સ્પર્ધકોએ પોતાનું નામ નોંધાવ્યું હોવાનું જાણવા મળ્યું છે.
- ર જાન્યુઆરીના રોજ યોજાનાર રાજ્યકક્ષાની
- કુલ ૧૭૦૦ ફોર્મ ભરાયા : તંત્ર દ્વારા તૈયારીઓ : સ્પર્ધકો દ્વારા પ્રેકટિસ
અત્રે ઉલ્લેખનીય છે કે, ગત વર્ષે ૧૪૯પ આ સ્પર્ધામાં ભાગ લીધો હતો. ત્યારે ફોર્મ કાસણી બાદ આ વર્ષે પણ ગત વર્ષની જેટલા જ સ્પર્ધકો નોંધાશે. તેવી શક્યતા રમત-ગમત વિભાગના સુત્રોએ વ્યકત કરી છે.
જૂનિયર અને સીનીયર તેમજ ભાઈઓ અને બહેનો એમ ર વિભાગમાં યોજાતી આ સ્પર્ધા આડે હવે એકાદ અઠવાડીયા જેટલો સમય બાકી રહ્યો છે.
ત્યારે સ્પર્ધકો રોજ સવારે શિયાળાની ગુલાબી ઠંડીમાં અને પ્રકૃતિની ગોદમાં પહોંચિ જઈ યોગ્ય સમયમાં ગિરનાર સર કરવાની પ્રેકટીસ કરી રહ્યા છે. તેમજ તંત્ર દ્વારા સ્પર્ધાની તૈયારી લુ કરી દેવામાં આવી છે.
Source: http://www.sandesh.com/sandesh_article.aspx?newsid=249406
ગિરનાર રોપ-વે યોજનાનો આખરી રિપોર્ટ અંતે તૈયાર.
જૂનાગઢ, તા.૨૩
પાંચ દાયકા કરતા વધુ સમયથી અદ્ધરતાલ એવા ગિરનાર રોપ-વે પ્રોજેક્ટને આખરી મંજૂરીની પ્રક્રિયા અંતર્ગત સેન્ટ્રલ વાઈલ્ડ લાઈફ બોર્ડના સભ્યોએ જૂનાગઢની બે દિવસની મૂલાકાત લઈને ફાઈનલ રિપોર્ટ તૈયાર કર્યો છે. સેન્ટ્રલ વાઈલ્ડ લાઈફ બોર્ડની બેઠકમાં આ રિપોર્ટ મૂકાશે. જેના પર રોપ વે ની મંજૂરીનો મદાર રહેશે.
- ટૂંકમાં મળનારી બોર્ડ બેઠકમાં રિપોર્ટ મંજૂરી અર્થે મૂકવામાં આવશે
અત્રે ઉલ્લેખનીય છે કે, ગત તા.૧ મે, ર૦૦૭ ના રોજ મુખ્યમંત્રી મોદીએ રોપ વે પ્રોજેક્ટનું ખાતમૂર્હુત કર્યું હતું. તથા રોપ વે બનાવનાર ઉષા બ્રેકોને હાલમાં જરૂરી જમીન પણ આપી દેવામાં આવી છે. ત્યારે સમગ્ર યોજનાનો મદાર માત્ર હવે સેન્ટ્રલ વાઈલ્ડ લાઈફ બોર્ડની મંજૂરી પર મંડાયો છે.
પર્યાવરણ અંગે લોક સુનાવણી બાદ પી.સી.બી.એ કલેક્ટરને અહેવાલ સુપ્રત કર્યો
જૂનાગઢ : સેન્ટ્રલ વાઈલ્ડ લાઈફ બોર્ડના સભ્યોએ ગિરનાર રોપ વે માટે રિપોર્ટ તૈયાર કર્યો છે. તો બીજી તરફ રાજ્યના પોલ્યુશન કંટ્રોલ બોર્ડ દ્વારા પણ રોપ વે વિશેનો એક અહેવાલ તૈયાર કરીને જિલ્લા કલેક્ટરને સુપ્રત કરવામાં આવ્યો છે. આ વિશે જૂનાગઢના પી.સી.બી.ના અધિકારી સાધુએ જણાવ્યું છે કે, પર્યાવરણ માટે થયેલી લોકસુનાવણી તેમજ રોપ વે માટેનો હકિકત લક્ષી અહેવાલ તૈયાર કરીને આપવામાં આવ્યો છે. તેમજ આ રિપોર્ટ સંપૂર્ણપણે હકારાત્મક છે. રિપોર્ટમાં રોપ વે વિશેના તમામ પાસાઓને આવરી લેવામાં આવ્યા છે.
ર૦ લાખ પ્રવાસી અને રૂ.૧૦૦ કરોડ આવક વધશે
જૂનાગઢ : જૂનાગઢના ભાજપના અગ્રણી પ્રદિપભાઈ ખિમાણીએ જણાવ્યું છે કે, જૂનાગઢમાં ગિરનાર રોપ વે બનવાથી શહેરની આવકમાં વર્ષે રૂ. ૧૦૦ કરોડનો વધારો થશે. તથા વર્ષે ર૦ લાખ જેટલા પ્રવાસીઓ વધશે.
ગિરનાર રોપ વે ની ઝલક...
* ૮૯ કરોડના ખર્ચે સમગ્ર યોજના સાકાર થશે
* લોઅર-અપર સ્ટેશન વચ્ચે ર૩૮ર મીટરનું અંતર
* દર કલાકે ૧૦૦૦ પેસેન્જરોનું વહન કરાશે
* ૯ મિનીટ ર૮ સેકન્ડમાં ટ્રોલી ઉપર પહોંચી જશે
* મોટી બસ જેવડી ૭૦ પેસેન્જરો બેસી શકે તેવી ટ્રોલી હશે
* ટ્રોલીની ઝડપ સેકન્ડે વધુમાં વધુ પાંચ મીટરની રહેશે
Source: http://www.sandesh.com/sandesh_article.aspx?newsid=249153
ગિરનારમાં સિંહોનું રક્ષણ કરતાં વન સ્ટાફ પાસે વાહનો પણ નથી.
Dec 25,2010 |
સરકાર દ્વારા ગિરનારના સિંહોના રક્ષણ માટે ખાસ કોઈ અસરકારક પગલા લેવામાં આવ્યા નથી. ગિરનાર અભયારણ્યમાં વસતા ૩૪ જેટલા સિંહાનું રક્ષણ કરતા સ્ટાફ પાસે અત્યારે એક પણ વ્યવસ્થિત ફોરવ્હિલ નથી. અરે, ખુદ ટોના અધિકારી એવા મુખ્ય વનસંરક્ષક પણ ભાડાના વાહનનો ઉપયોગ કરી રહ્યા છે. નાયબ વન સંરક્ષક અને મદદનીશ વન સંરક્ષક પાસે અત્યારે સરકારી વાહનો છે. પરંતુ આ વાહનો એટલી જજરિત અવસ્થામાં છે કે, જંગલમાં ગમે ત્યારે બંધ પડી જાય છે.
- અભયારણ્યમાં વસતા ૩૪ જેટલા સિંહો
- ઈમરજન્સી માટેની ટ્રેકર્સ પાર્ટીઓ પણ વાહન વિહોણી !!
છતાં ત્યાં તમામ સુવિધા આપી દેવામાં આવી છે. બહાર નિકળતા સિંહો માટે આર.એફ.ઓ. દોડાદોડી કરતા હોય છે. ત્યારે ગિરનારની બન્ને રેન્જના આર.એફ.ઓ. પાસે તો વાહનો જ નથી. ઈમરજન્સીના સમયે મહત્વની એવી બે ટ્રેકર્સ પાર્ટીની રના પણ ગિરનારના સિંહો માટે કરવામાં આવી છે. પરંતુ આ ટ્રેકર્સ પાર્ટીઓ પાસે પણ કોઈ વાહનો નથી. વન્યપ્રાણી મુશ્કેલીમાં મૂકાય ત્યારે આ ટ્રેકર્સ પાર્ટીએ જ દોડીને સૌથી પહેલા પહોંવાનું હોય છે. જ્યારે બે માંથી એક પણ પાર્ટી પાસે વાહન નથી.
Source: http://www.sandesh.com/sandesh_article.aspx?newsid=249404
Thursday, December 23, 2010
Gujarat HC summons Principal Secretary on illegal mining PIL.
Ahmedabad, Dec 21 (PTI) The Gujarat High Court today said it was not convinced with state government''s actions to stop illegal mining in protected Gir forest area, the home to Asiatic lions and summoned a top official.
The court was hearing a public interest litigation (PIL) against illegal mining in Gir forest region filed by RTI activist Amit Jethva a few days before he was shot dead in July.
A Division Bench of Chief Justice S J Mukhopadhaya and Justice K M Thakar asked the Principal Secretary, Mines and Minerals, to remain present in the court on January 21.
It said the law against illegal mining has been there since long but such activities have been rampant in the region as admitted by the government in its affidavit.
The task force constituted by the government to check illegal mining has failed as there has been no penal action against those responsible, the court said.
The Bench said it was not satisfied with the government''s reply and, therefore, wanted Principal Secretary to explain what penal action would be taken against those who have failed to implement the law on illegal mining.
The PIL was filed by Jethva a few days before he has shot dead opposite the High Court on July 20.
After Jethva''s death, the court included Amit''s younger brother Bhavani and uncle Vijay Rathod as petitioners in the PIL.
Jethva''s father Bhikalal had alleged BJP MP from Junagadh, Dinu Solanki, was behind the murder as he had filed the PIL. Solanki has denied the charge.
Source: http://news.in.msn.com/national/article.aspx?cp-documentid=4726926
The court was hearing a public interest litigation (PIL) against illegal mining in Gir forest region filed by RTI activist Amit Jethva a few days before he was shot dead in July.
A Division Bench of Chief Justice S J Mukhopadhaya and Justice K M Thakar asked the Principal Secretary, Mines and Minerals, to remain present in the court on January 21.
It said the law against illegal mining has been there since long but such activities have been rampant in the region as admitted by the government in its affidavit.
The task force constituted by the government to check illegal mining has failed as there has been no penal action against those responsible, the court said.
The Bench said it was not satisfied with the government''s reply and, therefore, wanted Principal Secretary to explain what penal action would be taken against those who have failed to implement the law on illegal mining.
The PIL was filed by Jethva a few days before he has shot dead opposite the High Court on July 20.
After Jethva''s death, the court included Amit''s younger brother Bhavani and uncle Vijay Rathod as petitioners in the PIL.
Jethva''s father Bhikalal had alleged BJP MP from Junagadh, Dinu Solanki, was behind the murder as he had filed the PIL. Solanki has denied the charge.
Source: http://news.in.msn.com/national/article.aspx?cp-documentid=4726926
Tuesday, December 21, 2010
‘Lion census reports could’ve drawn poachers’ attention’
Published: Wednesday, Dec 15, 2010, 17:35 IST
By Jumana Shah | Place: Ahmedabad | Agency: DNA
It’s ironical but perhaps a bitter truth. The prosperous population of the Asiatic Lions in Gir could have become an eyesore for poachers.By Jumana Shah | Place: Ahmedabad | Agency: DNA
Wildlife experts from across the globe, following the issue closely, believe that the latest census report of the state government, highlighting a healthy growth in the population, may have drawn the attention of international poaching gangs.
It is widely held that there was calm in the region after the crackdown on poachers following the poaching cases in 2007.
But the rise in lion population and the knowledge that they are roaming free in non-protected areas, may have drawn poachers' attention back to Gir. "These gangs keep a watch out for such things," a senior reliable source said.
The official lion census covered 5,000 sq km in four districts, but lions have been spotted roaming freely over approximately 10,000 sq km.
Gir wildlife sanctuary is spread over only 1,600 sq km. Twenty-one lions were recorded in Kodinar, Una, Sutrapada and Chhara regions in Gir West where the recent gang was apprehended.
"This is a very serious development. Though the forest department is doing as good a job, it is not humanly possible to guard the whole area sufficiently. They have gone very far away and there are too few people," a senior police officer who was a part of the investigation team in 2007 said.
An ever-present threat
April 2007: Eight lion carcasses found in Babariya Range in Junagadh, and Palitana in Bhavnagar
April-May 2007: Case handed over to CID Crime for investigation; kingpin Sarkhashlal nabbed
Rs40 crore Lion Project for the big cats' conservation was announced by CM Narendra Modi in a swift damage control effort after visiting Sasan. Lion Conservation Society of Gujarat was founded; plethora of 'schemes' and projects launched to spread awareness
37 people, including an international trader, Prabhakar Keshav Gajakosh, from Karnataka who served as the link between the foot soldiers, domestic traders and the international market, was arrested after case was cracked by the end of the year. People of the Baheliya and Katni tribes of MP were held responsible.
2009: Court convicts all the accused. This is a landmark development as conviction in poaching cases is extremely difficult
May 2010: Gujarat government announces Asiatic lion population in Gir has swollen to 411 from 359.
Source: http://www.dnaindia.com/india/report_lion-census-reports-could-ve-drawn-poachers-attention_1481606
Indian activists risk death to expose illegal logging, pollution and mining.
Ambika Hiranandani and Tom Levitt
14th December, 2010
The recent death of Indian environmentalist Amit Jethva was the latest in a growing number of disturbing incidents of brutality and violence against activists, report Ambika Hiranandani and Tom Levitt
On 20 July 2010, forest campaigner Amit Jethva was shot dead at point blank range by two assailants on motorbikes as he was leaving Gujrat High Court following a meeting with his lawyer.
In a country facing an acute environmental crisis as it rapidly industrialises, his assassination was no stray incident but one of a rising number of attacks on activists. The headline-grabbing decision to ban the British mining company Vedanta from opening a bauxite mine on tribal land in eastern India was only achieved after an unprecedented amount of national and international media attention.
Elsewhere decisions have not been so favourable. Recently approved plans for a new airport in Mumbai will destroy 170 hectares of critically important mangroves. Conservation groups say alternative sites were not properly considered and that their objections were given little consideration. But being ignored is perhaps better than the fate many environmental activists face in India today.
In January 2010, Satish Shetty, a whistle blower and anti-corruption campaigner, who brought to light land scams in West Indian state Maharashtra, was murdered, while Shanmughan Manjunath suffered the same fate after exposing petrol pumps that sold adulterated fuel. Activists say that in contrast to the image India portrays - of a nation that prioritises environmental issues - the reality is in fact very bleak.
‘Activists in India are constantly at risk. Stories of activists being killed are a moral setback to all of us. Ruffle the wrong person’s feathers and it could be you next,’ says Stalin D, project director at the environmental NGO Vanashakti. Ravi Rebbapragada, executive director of Samata, a tribal rights and environmental NGO, believes that as India continues its rapid industrialisation, things are likely to get worse, ‘as the stakes go higher the risk to the activist goes higher,’ he says.
Anti-mining activist killed
At the time of his death Amit was campaigning to protect against forest encroachment. He was heavily involved in the Gir National park, the only home of the Asiatic lion and a protected forest area in western India that covers more than 1,400 km sq. His efforts to expose illegal mining in the forest were rewarded last week with a special posthumous award. Before his death he had filed a lawsuit (Public Interest Litigation) against illegal limestone mining in the buffer zone around the National Park. His application had named a local MP Dinu Solanki from India’s Hindu Nationalist Party and the case was said to, ‘openly expose his link with illegal mining operations’.
Amit was well-known for standing up for environmental issues and had even taken on Bollywood actor Salmon Khan for shooting an endangered Blackbuck. As such he had many enemies in the government, according to his friend and environmental lawyer Manish Vaidya. His family and friends say he had been under threat ever since he started investigating illegal mining operations in and around Gir National Park.
‘A couple of years back, Dinu Solanki’s men physically assaulted Amit at a family wedding,’ recalls Alpa Amit Jethva, his widow, who says Amit had complained to the police after one incident but nothing happened. Dinu Solanki was unavailable for comment but a police investigation since Amit's death found that he had ‘no role to play’. The police confirmed to the Ecologist that his nephew Shiva Solanki has been charged with conspiracy to assassinate Jethva and a second man with his murder.
Lack of support from police
Activists in India say support is often lacking from the police when they try and initiate proceedings against their attackers. In March 2010, while exposing illegal sand mining in the state of Maharastra, Sumaira Abdulali, a trustee of the Awaaz Foundation, an environmental NGO, was followed, threatened and physically attacked by mafia linked to sand dredging in the area. Sumaira and her team went out on a boat to photograph illegal sand mining in an ecologically sensitive creek, where they saw over fifty dredgers within a span of one kilometre. After they took the photographs and left, they were followed by thugs.
Source: http://www.theecologist.org/News/news_analysis/694293/indian_ecoactivists_risk_death_to_expose_illegal_logging_pollution_and_mining.html
Naturalist opposes Centre''s move to relocate Gir lions.
Vadodara, Dec 8 (PTI) A noted naturalist has opposed the Centre''s move to relocate Asiatic lions from Gujarat''s Gir Forest to Madhya Pradesh.
The Narendra Modi government should not make any compromise on this issue and must oppose the move, Lav Kumar Khacher said here.
"Under no circumstances, the Madhya Pradesh government''s request (endorsed by the Centre) for relocating one or two prides of lions from Gir to Sheopur district should be accepted," the 80-year-old said.
Asiatic lions found only in Gir can not survive in the different environment and geographic conditions in Madhya Pradesh, he said.
It is the Centre''s almost decade-old proposal to relocate some Gir lions to a 300 sq km forest at Kunopalpur in Sheopur district. The plan is devised to save lions from a potential future disaster that could wipe them off as all of them are concentrated in the Gir forest.
According to the latest census conducted in April this year, there are 411 Asiatic lions in Gir. In contrast, the tiger population in MP was dwindling fast because of poaching and shrinking habitat, Khacher said.
Source: http://news.in.msn.com/national/article.aspx?cp-documentid=4674939
The Narendra Modi government should not make any compromise on this issue and must oppose the move, Lav Kumar Khacher said here.
"Under no circumstances, the Madhya Pradesh government''s request (endorsed by the Centre) for relocating one or two prides of lions from Gir to Sheopur district should be accepted," the 80-year-old said.
Asiatic lions found only in Gir can not survive in the different environment and geographic conditions in Madhya Pradesh, he said.
It is the Centre''s almost decade-old proposal to relocate some Gir lions to a 300 sq km forest at Kunopalpur in Sheopur district. The plan is devised to save lions from a potential future disaster that could wipe them off as all of them are concentrated in the Gir forest.
According to the latest census conducted in April this year, there are 411 Asiatic lions in Gir. In contrast, the tiger population in MP was dwindling fast because of poaching and shrinking habitat, Khacher said.
Source: http://news.in.msn.com/national/article.aspx?cp-documentid=4674939
Protection and Conservation of Asiatic Lions in Gir Forest.
Protection and Conservation of Asiatic Lions in Gir Forest | |
17:53 IST |
The Gir forest in Gujarat is the only home for Asiatic Lions in India. The Ministry provides financial and technical assistance to the State Government of Gujarat for protection and conservation of Asiatic Lions in Gir forest. The details of financial assistance provided during last three years and the current year to the Government of Gujarat under Centrally Sponsored Scheme ‘Integrated Development of Wildlife Habitats’ for protection and conservation of Lions are as follows:
The Government of Gujarat has submitted a proposal for consolidating long term conservation of Asiatic Lions at the total cost of Rs.262.36 crores for a period of five years, which has been approved ‘in principle’ by the Planning Commission. However, the Planning Commission has suggested that financial assistance under the project may be met out of the ongoing scheme of ‘Integrated Development of Wildlife Habitats’. Due to paucity of funds in the scheme for the current financial year, no amount has been released so far. This information was given by the Minister of State for Finance, Shri Namo Narain Meena who is holding the charge of the Ministry of environment and Forests in a written reply to a question by Shrimati Jayshreeben Patel in Lok Sabha today. Source: http://pib.nic.in/release/release.asp?relid=68281 |
Kuno Palpur to get cheetah, not lions.
Himanshu Kaushik, TNN, Dec 7, 2010, 05.12am IST
AHMEDABAD: Madhya Pradesh has agreed in principle to accommodate African cheetah in Kuno Palpur. This could mean that the neighbouring state, which is famous for its tigers, is off Gujarat's back as far as the Asiatic lion is concerned.
However, after a presentation by the Wildlife Institute of India and the Wildlife Trust of India over reintroducing cheetah at Kuno Palpur, it looks like the controversy could be drawing to a close, as the two big cats cannot survive together. Gujarat government had also taken the stand in SC that lions and tigers cannot stay together. The matter is pending in the Supreme Court since 2006.
Sartaj Singh, forest minister of MP, told TOI over the phone, "Union minister for forest and environment Jairam Ramesh had decided to introduce cheetah in Kuno Palpur and Nauradehi wildlife sanctuaries in MP, apart from Rajasthan. The Wildlife Institute of India had made a detailed presentation after which the MP chief minister has agreed in principle to have cheetahs in Kuno. As of now we have put the proposal to shift lions to Kuno on hold".
HS Pabla, MP's principal conservator of forest, said, "We were offered Nauradehi and Kuno for reintroduction of Cheetah. But if we decide to shift to Nauradehi, the department will have to shift people from 21 villages, while Kuno Palpur was already prepared for the lions, so we just have to bring the cheetah and release them". The WTI also had rated Kuno as priority for reintroducing the cheetah. SK Nanda, principal secretary (forest) Gujarat, said, "We are not aware of MP's decision. But if it is true it is a welcome decision. We have been contending that two big cats cannot stay together. And Kuno already had tigers".
Source: http://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/city/ahmedabad/Kuno-Palpur-to-get-cheetah-not-lions/articleshow/7056853.cms
His son fallen, Jethava’s father rises to dare.
Express News Service Tags : Bhikha Jethava, father of slain RTI activist Amit Jethava, Gir Wildlife Sanctuary Posted: Wed Dec 01 2010, 04:31 hrs Rajkot:
Bhikha Jethava, father of slain RTI activist Amit Jethava, is now leading a protest against two upcoming industrial projects in Kodinar on the periphery of Gir Wildlife Sanctuary.
Bhikha, a footwear merchant in Khambha village of Amreli district has written a letter to Union Minister of Environment and Forest Jairam Ramesh in this regard.
He has said the Simar Port Ship Yard at Chahara village and
Shapurjee Palonjee Thermal Power plant project at Kaaj village will prove disastrous to wildlife in the sanctuary.
“The Kodinar coastal forest is located under Jamvala forest range of Gir. Nearly 100 Asiatic lions are found on this belt, which will be in proximity to the proposed sites of the two projects. Industrial activities in the area will adversely affect the environment,” said Bhikha.
He said he is yet to get all the details of the projects, but is still raising the issue, as the site selection process is already over.
Source: http://www.indianexpress.com/news/his-son-fallen-jethavas-father-rises-to-dare/718414/
Tuesday, November 30, 2010
Gujarat government cuts Chinese manja ahead of Uttarayan.
Published: Tuesday, Nov 30, 2010, 15:40 IST
By DNA Correspondent | Place: Ahmedabad | Agency: DNA
By DNA Correspondent | Place: Ahmedabad | Agency: DNA
Gujarat government's forest and environment department has woken up early this year to the threat of the deadly Chinese manja and the fatal damage it cause to the birds in the sky.
A notification seeking complete ban on Chinese and any kind of plastic threads to fly kites has been imposed in the state. Taking the safety of birds very seriously this time, foresters have also requested citizens not to fly kites close to dawn and dusk as that is the time when they fly in and out of their nests the most.
"The ban on any kind of plastic manja will be imposed very strictly this time. Those found violating it will be booked. Keeping in mind birds' feeding and nesting habits, we have requested people to refrain from flying kites between 5-7 in the evening and 6-8 in the morning," principal secretary forest and environment, SK Nanda said.
Sources added that steps to spread awareness about the damage manja causes to the birds will be spelt out in the days to come, through which it is hoped people will not fly kites at dawn and dusk when the birds fly out the most.
Chinese manja splits the body of the bird and often causes permanent damage to the creatures.
Last year, the notification was announced just days before the Uttarayan festival in mid-January and it was difficult to implement it as sellers had already stocked up the Chinese manja.
Moreover, there was no monitoring mechanism put in place by the government authorities to check the use of the banned manja.
This time however, authorities are more alert. It is still feared, though, that those manja sellers whose material is left over from the previous year may put in the market the banned products to avoid business losses.
Source: http://www.dnaindia.com/india/report_gujarat-government-cuts-chinese-manja-ahead-of-uttarayan_1474433
BJP leader to seek Modi’s help to save leopards.
Even as forest officials and shooters hunt for the maneater leopard that has killed four persons in the Mandvi region over the last few months, local nagarpalika president Jagdish Parekh of the BJP is rallying locals against the shoot-at-sight orders given by the forest department and says he has even sought a meeting with Chief Minister Narendra Modi to help save the endangered species.
Parekh, an architect by profession, says he plans to soon launch a website "Save leopards of Mandvi- Surat and Upcountry."
The BJP leader wants Modi to earmark 250 sq km of land in Mandvi taluka as a habitat for these leopards where pigs and goats could be provided for the big cats so that their birth rate is maintained.
Parekh feels the leopards of South Gujarat are its beauty and will soon become national treasure.
"We know over 25 leopards have entered villages in Mandvi taluka while hundreds of them are still there in the Dangs. These animals are shy in nature and don't attack humans but due to the shortage of food in the deep forests of the Dangs, they have strayed to Tapi and Surat districts," he said, adding killing them is no answer.
Source: http://www.indianexpress.com/news/bjp-leader-to-seek-modis-help-to-save-leopards/717917/
Monday, November 29, 2010
Relocation of 376 Families and 3 Forest Villages from Gir Lion Reserves.
Preparatory measures for relocation including adequate publicity in local language have been undertaken for relocation of 376 families and 3 forest villages from Gir Lion Reserve. This has been informed by the Government of Gujarat to the Ministry The Government of Gujarat has submitted a proposal titled 'A plan for consolidating long term conservation of Asiatic lions (Panthera leo persica) at the Greater Gir region including the Gir Protected Area System'. The proposal also includes a component for relocation of 376 families and 3 forest villages from Gir.
The Planning Commission has ‘in principle’ approved an amount of Rs.262.36 crores for a period of five years for this project proposal and suggested that financial assistance under the project may be met out of the ongoing scheme of ‘Integrated Development of Wildlife Habitats’. As the fund allocation under the scheme ‘Integrated Development of Wildlife Habitats’ is meager, the project for lion could not be accommodated within this scheme.
This information was given by the Minister of State for Environment and Forests (independent charge) Shri Jairam Ramesh in a written reply to a question by Shri Natuji Halaji Thakor in Rajya Sabha today.
Source: http://pib.nic.in/release/release.asp?relid=67751
The Planning Commission has ‘in principle’ approved an amount of Rs.262.36 crores for a period of five years for this project proposal and suggested that financial assistance under the project may be met out of the ongoing scheme of ‘Integrated Development of Wildlife Habitats’. As the fund allocation under the scheme ‘Integrated Development of Wildlife Habitats’ is meager, the project for lion could not be accommodated within this scheme.
This information was given by the Minister of State for Environment and Forests (independent charge) Shri Jairam Ramesh in a written reply to a question by Shri Natuji Halaji Thakor in Rajya Sabha today.
Source: http://pib.nic.in/release/release.asp?relid=67751
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
50 Gir lionesses expecting cubs.
Forest dept is monitoring these wild cats, which are likely to give birth early next year
Dilip Patel
Posted On Monday, November 22, 2010 at 02:46:19 AM
The pride is set to grow; 50 lionesses in the Gir sanctuary are pregnant and are expected to give birth early next year. The development has thrilled the state forest department, which has started monitoring these wild cats through GPS and has asked beat guards to be extra vigilant. According to a census conducted earlier this year, there are 411 Asiatic lions in Gir, the last natural abode of such cats in the world. In 2005, when the previous count was held, this figure was 359. “We are very happy that 50 lionesses are pregnant. Our efforts to limit the movement of vehicles during the mating period of lions have yielded results,” Principal Secretary to the Forest Department S K Nanda told Mirror. Restrictions on vehicular movement in and around the sanctuary would continue to be in place, he said. “Vehicles will not be allowed to enter the forest. Outside the sanctuary, speed limits have been introduced,” Nanda said. “During pregnancy, lionesses move slowly. We are tracking their movements through GPS. Beat guards are also keeping a watch.” Expectant cats are likely to give birth in January and February. The survival rate of cubs, which are often killed by lions looking to mate with their partners again, is low. However, this time forest officials feel more cubs will survive because for the past one year elder lionesses have been looking after young members of the pride. “We have seen that old females protect cubs from adult males. In fact, the number of attacks on cubs by adult males has come down,” a Gir official said. The population of adult Asiatic lionesses in Gir is more than that of adult males. There are 162 adult females and 97 adult males. This year’s census also revealed that there are 77 cubs. Nearly 40 per cent of the lion population is young and this bodes well for the future of the Asiatic beast. Last year, the state government announced a special package of Rs 40 crore for the region. Forest officials were provided more staff and better equipment to prevent unnatural deaths of the wild cats. Earlier, on an average 10 cubs used to die every year after falling in open wells. Today, majority of open wells have been covered. Source: http://www.ahmedabadmirror.com/article/3/2010112220101122024619760b772f5f6/50-Gir-lionesses-expecting-cubs.html |
Gir sanctuary roads to be closed at night.
Manas Dasgupta
PTI An Asiatic lion in the Gir wild life sanctury in Junagadh district of Gujarat.
The Gujarat government will close all roads passing through the Gir national sanctuary — the only abode of Asiatic Lions — during nights.
The decision, according to Forest and Environment Department Principal Secretary S. K. Nanda, is to ensure the safety of the lions and other animals in the Gir forest in view of numerous cases of accidents and killing or injuring the animals by speeding vehicles.
1500-sq km area
Spread over a 1,500-square kilometre area, including about 900 square km of protected forest zone, the Gir has 411 Asiatic lions, about 300 of them inside the protected zone, as per the latest census, besides numerous other animals.
The animals move freely at night, frequently falling victim to the passing vehicles.
About 10 important roads pass through the Gir forest connecting Junagadh with Amreli, Sasan with Talala, Visavadar with Dhari and several other small and medium towns on the periphery of the sanctuary area. According to one estimate, about 600 vehicles pass through the Gir forest every night, many of them at high speed.
Besides endangering the safety of the animals, the speeding vehicles also cause environment and noise pollution, disrupting the peace of the animals.
Mr. Nanda said in addition to banning vehicular traffic through the forest in the nights, the government had also constructed speed-breakers at regular intervals to ensure that even during the day hours, the vehicles could not rush beyond 40 kilometre per hour speed.
He said steps would be taken to ensure that the entrance to all the roads passing through the Gir forest were closed at sunset to be opened only after sunrise the next day.
Exception in emergency
However, in case of emergencies, vehicles would be given special permission to pass through the sanctuary area at night, he said.
Similar attempts were made in the past also to restrict vehicular traffic through the forest areas in the nights but could not be implemented due to stiff opposition from the people in the villages living within the sanctuary area.
The trading community in the peripheral areas also opposed any such move because the distances between any two points increase by about 50 to over 100 kilometre if they had to skirt around the sanctuary zone for the transshipment of the goods.
But this time the government was “serious” and would not bow down to the local pressures, the Forest Department sources said.
Source: http://www.thehindu.com/sci-tech/energy-and-environment/article904059.ece
Friday, November 19, 2010
Tourism activities increase.
Nayan Dave & Himanshu Kaushik, TNN, Nov 17, 2010, 11.01pm IST
AHMEDABAD: The hopes of a increase in the tourism activity in and around Sasan and Dhari area, has not only drawn the attention of the businessman for setting up five luxury hotel but towards Dhari the land prices have almost doubled in the past few months.
Reasons: Towards Sasan, the Hindi film Icon Amitabh Bachchan's visit to Gir Sanctuary has drawn attention of businessmen to tap possible flow of high-end tourists in the Asiatic Lion's abode. Around five luxury hotel projects are on the anvil near the Gir forest.
While towards, Dhari the land prices have almost doubled as the State Government has began the process of setting up an interpretation center on the lines of Devalia in Ambardi area.
Officials said that the prices of the land which were priced between 1.5 to tthree lakh per bigah was now priced at 6-7 lakhs. Sources said that towards the Dhari-Sarasia and Tulsishyam road the prices have suddenly increased. The Government has recently begun the development of the Ambardi interpretation zone which has raised hope of increased tourist activity. Officials said that the number of those visiting Devalia was 1,35,200.
Meanwhile the Amitabh impact can also be seen towards Sasan. The developers are not only from within Gujarat but brand like Tata and Club Mahindra are amongst the few to extend its presence in lion country. Tata group is re-opening 29-room 'Gir Lodge' with newly developed brand 'Gateway'. Tatas have taken a property on lease from Tourism Corporation of Gujarat (TCGL) way back in 1995. However, the hotel with picturesque view of Hiran River and the Vasadoor hills in Sasan is closed since a decade.
"Sasan is already a unique product and now it is powered by iconic brand Amitabh Bachchan. Asiatic Lion Safari, a world class product has been justified with the mega campaign, which would boost high-end tourism in the region. Looking to the fact, decision to renovate the property has been taken. We plan to re-open the hotel before the end of March 2011," said PK Mohankumar, COO The Gateway Hotel.
Club Mahindra has come into lease agreement with the promoters of Wonderland Resort that was commissioned only last year. The pact was inked immediately after the superstar completed shooting inside the forest last month," said a source active in the 3-star resort.
Rajkot based Sanjayraj Group, which is having interest in Real-estate, hospitality and education is also developing a 5-star category resort on 30 acres of land. "We are developing eco-friendly theme based resort at an estimated cost of Rs 30 crore (excluding land). The 100 room property is aimed at attracting high-end domestic as well as foreign tourists," said Indranil Rajguru, chairman of the company.
Another Rajkot based realty company Kotecha Group is in the process to commission a 4-star hotel in December this year. "Construction of 30 room property was kicked start six months back. Now we have decided to speed-up the work to open the hotel in this tourist season only," said Kishor Kotecha, director of the company.
Ahmedabad based realty firm Popular Group is diversifying into hospitality to develop 5-star eco-friendly resort near Sasan on 30 acres of land. Nilay Patel, CEO of the group said that the company is in the process of acquiring land.
Even Gujarat government is also in the process of creating 'Little Africa', an eco-friendly resort in a bid to provide employment to youth of the African-origin Sidi community settled in Saurashtra region. The theme-based resort to be developed on 25 acres of land would be promoted by global giant IBM. The tribal development department of the state government has entered into a tie-up with IBM India for the Rs. 10 crore project (excluding land).
Reasons: Towards Sasan, the Hindi film Icon Amitabh Bachchan's visit to Gir Sanctuary has drawn attention of businessmen to tap possible flow of high-end tourists in the Asiatic Lion's abode. Around five luxury hotel projects are on the anvil near the Gir forest.
While towards, Dhari the land prices have almost doubled as the State Government has began the process of setting up an interpretation center on the lines of Devalia in Ambardi area.
Officials said that the prices of the land which were priced between 1.5 to tthree lakh per bigah was now priced at 6-7 lakhs. Sources said that towards the Dhari-Sarasia and Tulsishyam road the prices have suddenly increased. The Government has recently begun the development of the Ambardi interpretation zone which has raised hope of increased tourist activity. Officials said that the number of those visiting Devalia was 1,35,200.
Meanwhile the Amitabh impact can also be seen towards Sasan. The developers are not only from within Gujarat but brand like Tata and Club Mahindra are amongst the few to extend its presence in lion country. Tata group is re-opening 29-room 'Gir Lodge' with newly developed brand 'Gateway'. Tatas have taken a property on lease from Tourism Corporation of Gujarat (TCGL) way back in 1995. However, the hotel with picturesque view of Hiran River and the Vasadoor hills in Sasan is closed since a decade.
"Sasan is already a unique product and now it is powered by iconic brand Amitabh Bachchan. Asiatic Lion Safari, a world class product has been justified with the mega campaign, which would boost high-end tourism in the region. Looking to the fact, decision to renovate the property has been taken. We plan to re-open the hotel before the end of March 2011," said PK Mohankumar, COO The Gateway Hotel.
Club Mahindra has come into lease agreement with the promoters of Wonderland Resort that was commissioned only last year. The pact was inked immediately after the superstar completed shooting inside the forest last month," said a source active in the 3-star resort.
Rajkot based Sanjayraj Group, which is having interest in Real-estate, hospitality and education is also developing a 5-star category resort on 30 acres of land. "We are developing eco-friendly theme based resort at an estimated cost of Rs 30 crore (excluding land). The 100 room property is aimed at attracting high-end domestic as well as foreign tourists," said Indranil Rajguru, chairman of the company.
Another Rajkot based realty company Kotecha Group is in the process to commission a 4-star hotel in December this year. "Construction of 30 room property was kicked start six months back. Now we have decided to speed-up the work to open the hotel in this tourist season only," said Kishor Kotecha, director of the company.
Ahmedabad based realty firm Popular Group is diversifying into hospitality to develop 5-star eco-friendly resort near Sasan on 30 acres of land. Nilay Patel, CEO of the group said that the company is in the process of acquiring land.
Even Gujarat government is also in the process of creating 'Little Africa', an eco-friendly resort in a bid to provide employment to youth of the African-origin Sidi community settled in Saurashtra region. The theme-based resort to be developed on 25 acres of land would be promoted by global giant IBM. The tribal development department of the state government has entered into a tie-up with IBM India for the Rs. 10 crore project (excluding land).
Source: http://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/city/ahmedabad/Tourism-activities-increase/articleshow/6943745.cms
Farmers have field day hosting 'sleep with lions' for tourists.
Himanshu Kaushik, TNN, Nov 17, 2010, 10.58pm IST
AHMEDABAD: Some tourists who did the Asiatic lion tour in Diwali took the Big B line - "Agar aap sher dil hai to rahiye sheron ke sath" - in the Gujarat tourism ad campaign, 'Khushboo Gujarat Ki,' very seriously. These bravehearts who ventured into the heavily-packed Gir in the Diwali vacations were forced to spend the nights in the open fields in make shift tents, right in the den of the jungle king.
With the tourism infrastructure unable to cope with the tourist traffic, local farmers set up makeshift tents in their fields and let them out to make a quick buck. These tents were all over the field on a 10 to 15 km stretch between Sasan and Talala. Each of these tents were available for Rs 500-1000 per night, depending on what facilities one asked for.
With the tourism infrastructure unable to cope with the tourist traffic, local farmers set up makeshift tents in their fields and let them out to make a quick buck. These tents were all over the field on a 10 to 15 km stretch between Sasan and Talala. Each of these tents were available for Rs 500-1000 per night, depending on what facilities one asked for.
A senior forest officer admitted that the proposition was fraught with risk as tents were set up exactly where wild animals, especially big cats prowled at nights. However, the forest department was not in a position to do anything, as fields were in the revenue area.
Also, since these tents were in private fields there prerequisite permission was not required. Officials said that Sasan Gir could host over 5000 guests daily, but the room capacity in Gir was barely of 400 beds. Of these, around 200 beds were in good hotels, while the rest were in shabby places and even these were occupied.
This year, Gir, between November 4 and November 13, saw over 33,000 tourists who took the lion safari. However, this figure was almost double as several people chose to visit Devaliya park after failing to get permits for Gir.
Officials said that beat guards networked with farmers to set up these tents and entered into a business partnership with them where they got a commission for every tourist they recommended for these farm stays.
A farmer refusing to be identified said the villagers had set up over 20 tents, and from November 6 to15 all these tents were booked. He said that the guests were warned that they would only get tents to sleep in and no other services would be available.
Another beat guard said that he had earned around Rs 20,000 through this network. He had partnered with a farmer and had taken tourist who could not find accommodation and got 30 per cent of what the farmer earned. He said that they had around 10 tents in one field and another 10 in nearby field.
State tourism minister Jaynarayan Vyas admits that tourism facilities are lacking in the state. "Tourism was no where in the focus in the past. It was only before three years that the tourism was given its due weightage. This is a service sector and one has to constantly go in for upgradation of the facilities," he said.
Source: http://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/city/ahmedabad/Farmers-have-field-day-hosting-sleep-with-lions-for-tourists/articleshow/6943734.cms
Also, since these tents were in private fields there prerequisite permission was not required. Officials said that Sasan Gir could host over 5000 guests daily, but the room capacity in Gir was barely of 400 beds. Of these, around 200 beds were in good hotels, while the rest were in shabby places and even these were occupied.
This year, Gir, between November 4 and November 13, saw over 33,000 tourists who took the lion safari. However, this figure was almost double as several people chose to visit Devaliya park after failing to get permits for Gir.
Officials said that beat guards networked with farmers to set up these tents and entered into a business partnership with them where they got a commission for every tourist they recommended for these farm stays.
A farmer refusing to be identified said the villagers had set up over 20 tents, and from November 6 to15 all these tents were booked. He said that the guests were warned that they would only get tents to sleep in and no other services would be available.
Another beat guard said that he had earned around Rs 20,000 through this network. He had partnered with a farmer and had taken tourist who could not find accommodation and got 30 per cent of what the farmer earned. He said that they had around 10 tents in one field and another 10 in nearby field.
State tourism minister Jaynarayan Vyas admits that tourism facilities are lacking in the state. "Tourism was no where in the focus in the past. It was only before three years that the tourism was given its due weightage. This is a service sector and one has to constantly go in for upgradation of the facilities," he said.
Source: http://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/city/ahmedabad/Farmers-have-field-day-hosting-sleep-with-lions-for-tourists/articleshow/6943734.cms
Wednesday, November 17, 2010
SRK hunting for plot in lion's den?
Himanshu Kaushik, TNN, Nov 13, 2010, 06.33am IST
Read more: SRK hunting for plot in lion's den? - The Times of India http://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/city/ahmedabad/SRK-hunting-for-plot-in-lions-den/articleshow/6917741.cms#ixzz15XRQGfEw
Read more: SRK hunting for plot in lion's den? - The Times of India http://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/city/ahmedabad/SRK-hunting-for-plot-in-lions-den/articleshow/6917741.cms#ixzz15XRQGfEw
AHMEDABAD: After Sachin Tendulkar inked a property deal in a 700-acre golf course in Ahmedabad, it is now the turn of Bollywood star Shah Rukh Khan, who is said to be looking for land in the home of Asiatic lion in Gir.
Sources said Shah Rukh Khan and television producer Ekta Kapoor have already made inquiries for land on the outskirts of the protected Gir sanctuary, which is the only home for Asiatic lion in the world. Khan, say local sources, has shown interest in a plot located between Haripur and Jalandhar villages on the outskirts of the Gir forest in Junagadh district.
Earlier this month, Tendulkar had invested in a property in the Kensville Golf and Country Club near Ahmedabad.
GD Gajera, talati-cum-mantri of Jalandhar village, which is near the Devaliya Interpretation Zone for Asiatic lions, told TOI, "We too have learnt that there are some negotiations going on between locals and estate brokers. But the deal is yet to be clinched".
Sources said a farmer in Haripur had decided to sell off his land to the star. According to sources, Khan's office in Mumbai was still to clarify for what purpose he wanted the land. It is believed to be for a farmhouse. The film star's office was in contact with local estate brokers, who are expected to be in Junagadh on Saturday to get land records.
Officials said the only condition the buyer party has put forth is that the farmhouse has to be in the vicinity of the national park. When contacted, Haripur sarpanch Ramnikbhai Naranyanbhai said, "We have heard that Khan and Kapoor are looking for land near Sasan". He said Khan's office had probably zeroed in on a plot near Hiran river which passes through Gir forest. The owner of the land is a Gujarati based in Mumbai.
When contacted, Sandeep Kumar, deputy conservator of forest (headquarters), said, "We don't have any knowledge about this".
Read more: SRK hunting for plot in lion's den? - The Times of India http://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/city/ahmedabad/SRK-hunting-for-plot-in-lions-den/articleshow/6917741.cms#ixzz15XREcV5S
Sources said Shah Rukh Khan and television producer Ekta Kapoor have already made inquiries for land on the outskirts of the protected Gir sanctuary, which is the only home for Asiatic lion in the world. Khan, say local sources, has shown interest in a plot located between Haripur and Jalandhar villages on the outskirts of the Gir forest in Junagadh district.
Earlier this month, Tendulkar had invested in a property in the Kensville Golf and Country Club near Ahmedabad.
GD Gajera, talati-cum-mantri of Jalandhar village, which is near the Devaliya Interpretation Zone for Asiatic lions, told TOI, "We too have learnt that there are some negotiations going on between locals and estate brokers. But the deal is yet to be clinched".
Sources said a farmer in Haripur had decided to sell off his land to the star. According to sources, Khan's office in Mumbai was still to clarify for what purpose he wanted the land. It is believed to be for a farmhouse. The film star's office was in contact with local estate brokers, who are expected to be in Junagadh on Saturday to get land records.
Officials said the only condition the buyer party has put forth is that the farmhouse has to be in the vicinity of the national park. When contacted, Haripur sarpanch Ramnikbhai Naranyanbhai said, "We have heard that Khan and Kapoor are looking for land near Sasan". He said Khan's office had probably zeroed in on a plot near Hiran river which passes through Gir forest. The owner of the land is a Gujarati based in Mumbai.
When contacted, Sandeep Kumar, deputy conservator of forest (headquarters), said, "We don't have any knowledge about this".
Read more: SRK hunting for plot in lion's den? - The Times of India http://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/city/ahmedabad/SRK-hunting-for-plot-in-lions-den/articleshow/6917741.cms#ixzz15XREcV5S
Tourists Flock to Asiatic Lion Reserve in Western India.
Please visit below link to show video.
Thousands of tourists are flocking to the Sasan Gir Wildlife Sanctuary in India's Gujarat state to watch Asiatic lions.
The state's forest department has doubled the daily permit quotas for entry to the sanctuary to keep up with the heavy tourist rush. Officials say numbers are after one Bollywood celebrity endorsed the park.
Tourists had to face lack of accommodation due to the crowds.
[Hasrat Khan, Tourist]:
"This place is very crowded. We can't find a hotel here because of the crowds.”
Although the tourism advertisements were a success, tourists complain of commercial exploitation by hotels and restaurants to cash in on the increased inflow.
The wildlife sanctuary is the only place where Asiatic lions exist in their natural habitat.
Source: http://english.ntdtv.com/ntdtv_en/ns_asia/2010-11-12/204159622808.html
The state's forest department has doubled the daily permit quotas for entry to the sanctuary to keep up with the heavy tourist rush. Officials say numbers are after one Bollywood celebrity endorsed the park.
Tourists had to face lack of accommodation due to the crowds.
[Hasrat Khan, Tourist]:
"This place is very crowded. We can't find a hotel here because of the crowds.”
Although the tourism advertisements were a success, tourists complain of commercial exploitation by hotels and restaurants to cash in on the increased inflow.
The wildlife sanctuary is the only place where Asiatic lions exist in their natural habitat.
Source: http://english.ntdtv.com/ntdtv_en/ns_asia/2010-11-12/204159622808.html
Gir braces for a lion’s share of tourists, hotels on a leash.
Express News Service Tags : Gir Wildlife Sanctuary, Asiatic Lions, ahmedabad Posted: Sat Nov 06 2010, 03:42 hrs Rajkot:
The local administration claimed that Khusboo Gujarat Ki campaign, a series of tourism advertisements featuring Amitabh Bachchan, has been a success. As a result, the number of tourists at Sasan this Diwali has gone up almost two-fold than the previous years. Some 20 hotels and resorts in the area have been booked full to their capacity till mid-November.
The forest department too has been on its toes as it has doubled the permit quota per day for the GWS to accommodate heavy tourist rush.
“The result of advertisement campaign is there to see for us in the first season itself. Sasan has been flooded with tourists like never before,” said local mamlatdar Rekhaba Servaiya, adding that “the same administration has stepped up vigil to prevent exploitation of tourists”.
Source: http://www.indianexpress.com/news/gir-braces-for-a-lions-share-of-tourists-hotels-on-a-leash/707504/
It’s roaring biz for Gir courtesy Big B.
1 Nov, 2010, 12.42PM IST, Himanshu Kaushik,TNN
AHMEDABAD: The roar of lions showcased by superstar Amitabh Bachchan in the Gujarat Tourism campaign seems to be yielding fruitful results for the Gir Sanctuary .
The sanctuary has witnessed such a good response from the tourists that it is completely booked for the fortnight till November 15 — a record in the last 15 years for this only abode of the Asiatic lion.
Ever since the sanctuary re-opened on October 15, on an average, 70 to 80 permits were issued daily. The upper limit for issuing permits was 90 permits per day.
However till November 11, there is no room in Sinh Sadan and even the advance permits issued to casual visitors are over booked.
Officials said that of the 90 permits issued daily, about 50 per cent were issued in advance. And now the first available advance permit is of November 15. According to officials, not just the Sinh Sadan, which is the official guest house of the forest department, but even hotel owners were having a great time. Of these 45 advance permits, over 25 were pocketed by the hotel owners.
In Sinh Sadan, majority of rooms barring the VIP room have been booked in advance. “The permits are issued for those who pre-plan their trips, but we don’t have any advance permits. On an average, roughly 70 permits have been issued ever since the sanctuary reopened ,” Sandeep Kumar, deputy conservator of forest, headquarter, told TOI.
Kumar said that even Devaliya, the interpretation zone, has also seen a rise in the number of tourists. “It has been noticed that the number of schools coming here for picnics has seen a sharp rise. After visiting Devaliya , schools head for Somnath,” he said. Kumar said the figures of the first 15 days of last year cannot be compared to this year, for Diwali festival last year was soon after the sanctuary opened, and hence number of tourists was bigger
AHMEDABAD: The roar of lions showcased by superstar Amitabh Bachchan in the Gujarat Tourism campaign seems to be yielding fruitful results for the Gir Sanctuary .
The sanctuary has witnessed such a good response from the tourists that it is completely booked for the fortnight till November 15 — a record in the last 15 years for this only abode of the Asiatic lion.
Ever since the sanctuary re-opened on October 15, on an average, 70 to 80 permits were issued daily. The upper limit for issuing permits was 90 permits per day.
However till November 11, there is no room in Sinh Sadan and even the advance permits issued to casual visitors are over booked.
Officials said that of the 90 permits issued daily, about 50 per cent were issued in advance. And now the first available advance permit is of November 15. According to officials, not just the Sinh Sadan, which is the official guest house of the forest department, but even hotel owners were having a great time. Of these 45 advance permits, over 25 were pocketed by the hotel owners.
In Sinh Sadan, majority of rooms barring the VIP room have been booked in advance. “The permits are issued for those who pre-plan their trips, but we don’t have any advance permits. On an average, roughly 70 permits have been issued ever since the sanctuary reopened ,” Sandeep Kumar, deputy conservator of forest, headquarter, told TOI.
Kumar said that even Devaliya, the interpretation zone, has also seen a rise in the number of tourists. “It has been noticed that the number of schools coming here for picnics has seen a sharp rise. After visiting Devaliya , schools head for Somnath,” he said. Kumar said the figures of the first 15 days of last year cannot be compared to this year, for Diwali festival last year was soon after the sanctuary opened, and hence number of tourists was bigger
Wednesday, October 6, 2010
Indian tradition and culture help us conserve wildlife.
Thursday, August 5, 2010
Ramesh nod to reintroduce cheetah in 3 sites.
TNN, Jul 29, 2010, 02.58am IST
NEW DELHI: The Union environment and forests minister Jairam Ramesh on Wednesday gave green signal to reintroduce cheetah in three locations in the country. The ambitious project will cost around Rs 300 crore in the first year itself and will also displace more than 100 settlements. Ramesh said the ministry would back the plan envisaged by ex-environment secretary M K Ranjitsinh, who is also the trustee of Wildlife Trust of India, Divyabhanu Singh, author of a book on cheetah, and Y V Jhala of the Wildlife Institute of India to import the African or Iranian cheetah to three locations -- Kuno-Palpur Wildlife Sanctuary and Nauradehi Wildlife Sanctuary in Madhya Pradesh and Shahgarh region of Jaisalmer in Rajasthan.
As per the plan, around 5,600 sq km of drylands and grasslands will be turned into a natural habitat for the cheetah, while displacing the local population.
The site in Jaisalmer has about 80 seasonal settlements of nomads. Earlier, 23 villages were relocated from Kuno-Palpur to make way for the Gir lions from Gujarat. Now, another three villages have to be shifted. In Nauradehi, 23 villages have to be resettled while complying with the strict guidelines of the Forest Rights Act.
The minister said he would write to the Madhya Pradesh and Rajasthan governments soon, and invite them for discussions on the proposal.
The cheetahs will be either brought from some West Asian countries or Namibia or South Africa, where the African cheetahs are bred in captivity. Though Iran will also be approached, Tehran has been reluctant to part with the animals since it has a very small population of the endangered species.
Ranjitsinh said the United Arab Emirates has been willing to accede to India's request.
As per the proposal, initially each site will get to host six cheetahs each."The plan may take between 10 and 15 years to implement," said Jhala.
The report, submitted to the ministry, suggests that in a decade Nauradehi could be home to as many as 50 cheetahs in the restricted area, with another 20 finding their natural habitat in surrounding forests.
In the same period, Kuno-Palpur could rear 32 animals, and another 38 to be at peace with adjoining forests and grasslands,
The report suggests that a 140-km-long chain-link fence needs to be erected in Shahgarh following which 40 aniamls could be sustained.
Ramesh said the project assumes significance since cheetah is the only animal to have gone extinct in the country in the past 1,000 years. Besides, the animal could help preserve grasslands and drylands in its new homeland.
"The only way to protect grasslands is to reduce human pressure on these areas," explained Ranjitsinh.
"All developed countries have laws for reintroduction of animals. India, too, is no exception," added Jhala.
Source: http://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/india/Ramesh-nod-to-reintroduce-cheetah-in-3-sites/articleshow/6229130.cms
Army is green.
First Published : 31 Jul 2010 10:43:00 PM IST
Last Updated : 31 Jul 2010 12:33:01 AM IST
When Major-General Thomas Hardwicke took the steamer back to England in 1835, he had with him a treasure — the largest collection of drawings of Indian animals ever formed by an individual. Hardwicke, who arrived in India in 1778 as a cadet in the Bengal artillery, was the first to pursue a “scientific investigation of India’s natural history”. An aspect that is quite unsung, unfortunately, is the kind of engagement the Indian Army has had with natural history and conservation. A comprehensive pictorial, glossy, coffee table book titled Natural History and the Indian Army, published jointly by the Bombay Natural History Society (BNHS) and the Oxford University Press, addresses this shortcoming. And it does it well. The book brings together articles written by army officers who were naturalists, photographers and sportsmen, that were published in the issues of the Journal of the Bombay Natural History Society (JBNHS) from 1886, when the first issue of the Journal was brought out, 3 years after the BNHS was formed. This treasure trove has been edited by J C Daniel, a keen naturalist, author and former honorary secretary of the BNHS, and Lt Gen Baljit Singh (Retd.), who played a role in promoting an interest in wildlife and conservation in the army. Singh was also a trustee of the WWF-India. One wonders whether this publication really falls in the coffee-table category, for the text is thorough and at the same time, exceptionally engaging.The book opens with a detailed account of the Indian Army’s contribution over the two and one quarter centuries, from 1778 to 2002, penned by Lt Gen Baljit Singh. He chronicles the work of these illustrious army officer-naturalists in India.The list of army men who followed Hardwicke is illustrious: Capt Sykes, Col RW Burton and his brother Brig Gen RG Burton, Col Fenton, Lt Col ASG Jayakar, Surgeon Major TC Jerdon, whose work on birds and mammals is stupendous, Lt Col AH Mosse, Col Kirtikar, Lt Col SR Tickell, Col Swinhoe, Brig Evans, Col Bingham, Col Sir RN Chopra, who was the only Indian in the army to have been knighted for his work in natural history, Col RSP Bates and Lt Col KG Gharpurey, besides others. It contains excellent pictures that include paintings taken from T C Jerdon’s 1846 book, “Illustrations of Indian Ornithology”, illustrations such as that from “Indian Serpents”, an 1801 published book by Patrick Russell, and photographs, both black and white and in colour, including those taken by present day naturalists/wildlife photographers. The first article featured in this collection is by Lt Col K R Kirtikar on the Strychnine tree. A highly poisonous tree, it has its supposed uses as a purgative, and as a curative in fever and even snake bites.Lt Col L L Fenton, a keen sportsman (shikari), writes on all aspects of the Kathiawar lion. Even in 1909, when this article was penned, the lion’s home was limited to the Gir forest. The article describes how the home of the species dwindled due to human-related factors and others, like famine.A quarter of the 24 articles contained in the book are by Lt Col Richard. W Burton. A fearless sportsman, he wrote over 200 articles on various aspects of natural history. “A History of Shikar in India” traces the sport right from the pre Mughal period to contemporary times, both species-wise and area-wise. Here, in this book are also featured his article on the wild dog and another on his experiences fishing for the mahseer.Of great significance is his article “Wild Life Preservation: India’s Vanishing Asset” (1948). He was “the first naturalist to campaign for the preservation of Indian wildlife”, and this article here was actually a pamphlet prepared by the army on “the dire need for the conservation of the wildlife of the country” and was sent to the Indian government. An insightful and comprehensive article authored by Brig WH Evans is on the butterflies of India. In this 1922 article he writes about collecting butterflies, an activity that has, of course, since been prohibited by the Wildlife (Protection) Act, 1972.Lt Col AHE Mosse’s article on the leopard, the panther, is on the methods of sighting it. He also gives graphic descriptions of his personal experiences. The ‘sitting up’ method refers to ‘sitting up’ for the animal over either a kill or a live bait. “The most usual site for a machan is a leafy tree, though a sheltered rock or a thick bush with a bank behind will sometimes afford an excellent position,” he points out. Bird photographer Lt Col RSP Bates (1942) made quite a pioneering contribution to bird photography in India. He gives an account of the birds he encounters in the Kazinag Range in Kashmir in June of 1942. Slaty-headed paroquets, yellow-billed magpies, Kashmir rollers, Indian red-breasted flycatchers, and Jerdon’s hedge-sparrows are only some of those birds. “To Col Frank Wall we are indebted more than to any other man for our knowledge of the Indian snakes,” write the book’s editors. The colonel’s articles on the cobra (1913) from his book, “A Popular Treatise on the Common Indian Snakes” and the golden-tree snake (1908) are exhaustive, to say the least. Now for that one article that made for very captivating reading, even sweet at times. It was, for this reviewer, “The Asian Elephant” by Lt Col J H Williams, (Elephant Bill, also the eponymous title of the book he authored). And just to let you into what the article is about, without telling you too much, the author draws the similarity between the elephant and man. I fell in love with this story!It is an engrossing and inspiring book. When I turned the last page, I wanted to see and converse with the writers. And hear of their passion, the thrill, direct, first hand. I highly recommended this book. — kolu_poorni@yahoo.com
Source: http://expressbuzz.com/magazine/army-is-green/193623.html
Can we hear the roar again?
The Asiatic Lion is classified as one of the most endangered mammals in India. There are just 360 of them left in the wild. A disturbing fact, indeed. |
Once the king of the forests, today he stands in need of protection. The Asiatic Lion ( Panthera leo persica) or Persian Lion is a subspecies of the lions which survive today only in the Gir Forest of Gujarat. The Asiatic Lion is one of the five major big cats found in India, the others being the Bengal tiger, the Indian leopard, the snow leopard and the clouded leopard. These majestic beasts were prevalent from the Mediterranean to the north-eastern parts of the Indian subcontinent, but excessive hunting, water pollution and decline in natural prey have reduced their habitat.
The minute you say that you are going to visit a forest area in India, almost everyone asks, “Do you get to see the Lion there?”
But we need to realise that in India the Asiatic Lion lives only in the Gir National Park and Sanctuary, Gujarat.
The Asiatic Lion once roamed Asia from Palestine in the West to India in the East. Over the many years they were wiped out throughout their range mainly due to habitat alteration and hunting. In India they were found from Haryana in the north to Baroda in the south and Palamau in the east. However, big game hunting by several kings and British rulers resulted in the disappearance of this king of the beast from many parts of India during the mid 20 {+t} {+h} century.
The British administrators and more importantly, the Nawab of Junagadh state realised that there was a need to protect this carnivore. In 1879, the sixth Nawab of Junagadh state, Mahbatkhanji II ordered strict protection of the lions in his state. After him Mahbatkhanji III and Nawab Rasulkhanji continued the protection by setting up exclusive reserve for lions. Due to their initiative and the protection by the Government of India since then, a single population now thrives in the Gir National Park and Sanctuary and in the surrounding areas in Gujarat. The Asiatic Lion is classified as one of the most endangered mammals in India since there are only about 360 individuals left in the wild.
A crowded home
The Asiatic Lion is a social animal. Generally they live in a small pride comprising one to three males and one to four females with their young ones. Breeding season falls largely between January and June.
The period of gestation is about four months. Generally a female gives birth to two cubs, occasionally three. The Asiatic Lions prey upon spotted deer, sambar, nilgai and several smaller animals and livestock in the Gir forest.
Although the population is stable and increasing in and around the Gir Sanctuary, scientists believe that inbreeding within this small population is a major cause of concern.
They also warn that any fatal outbreak of disease and natural disaster would surely wipe out the only global population of the Asiatic Lion. Being a large carnivore it needs large areas to roam around to fulfil its daily requirements.
The space at Gir is not sufficient to support a large number of lions and also they are surrounded by human habitation.
Hence scientists have recommended the Palpur-Kuno Wildlife Sanctuary in Madhya Pradesh as a second home for the Asiatic Lion. This will reduce the pressure among the densely populated Gir lions.
This place was selected because is one of the former ranges of the Asiatic Lions, and has a similar type of forest and prey animals.
The writer is a Coordinator, with the Nature Conservation Foundation, Mysore
Let's count
Scientists use several methods to estimate the population of Asiatic Lion. One interesting method is to recognise them individually by markings on their faces, as well as counting and noting down the arrangement of their whisker-spots. These whisker-spots at the base are prominent and easy to spot with binoculars as well as from photographs. The top two rows of the whisker-spot pattern of a lion are counted and diagrammatically represented in a document. In addition to this, other facial markings are also noted. These markings and whisker-spot patterns differ from one lion to another. By counting the presence or absence of the known and unknown lions, scientists estimate the population in a given area.
It's everywhere
The Asiatic Lion is represented in various forms. The Hindus consider the lion as a Vahan of Durga. It is also represented in many ancient sculptures in Indian temples. It adorns our national emblem — of Ashok Pillar. We can see our lion in the symbol of Reserve Bank of India. And the Government of India has published a series of stamps on the Asiatic Lion.
Source: http://www.hindu.com/yw/2010/08/03/stories/2010080350240200.htm
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