Saturday, August 31, 2019

How a pair of squirrels played a role in saving a lion safari park

TNN | Updated: Aug 7, 2019, 4:10 IST
Thiruvananthapuram: How on earth could be a couple of squirrels be a match for a pair of lions? Diana and George, the squirrels which are now on their way to Sakkarbaug Zoological Gardens, Gujarat, would have gladly answered it describing their executive preparatory camp ahead of the trip and how they probably saved the Neyyar safari park from closure.
The Safari park at Neyyar dam, which had once housed 15 lions was staring at imminent closure, after one of the last two lionesses at the park, 19-year-old Sindhu died in February this year.
Now the park has only a lioness, Bindu. The hybrid nature of Sindhu and Bindu with no conservation value had always been a cause of concern. There was an ‘exchange offer’ from Gujarat of two Asiatic lines.
But the authorities had to do a counteroffer and nothing looked more promising than Diana and George, considering that rarely are Malabar giant squirrels housed in Indian zoos - Pune and Trivandrum being exceptions.
As for Gujarat zoo authorities, Asiatic lions were just a problem of plenty.
The frequent incidence of canine distemper virus leading to deaths of Asiatic lions in Gujarat has always been worrisome for the authorities there and they were glad to hand over two big cats to the safari park.
Diana and George were fed on a special diet during the last one month to make them prim and proper for the Gujarat trip. Both were allotted separate enclosures and were fed on cashew nuts, groundnuts, almonds and fruits. A team of officials carrying the squirrels left for Gujarat on Monday.
Minister for forests and animal husbandry K Raju said that the arrival of two lions will bring in more visitors to Neyyar lion safari park during Onam.

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