Wednesday, October 31, 2018

Shared pride: Gujarat saved the Asiatic lion but must give it new sanctuaries to insulate from epidemics

October 17, 2018, 2:00 am IST in TOI Editorials | Edit Page, Environment, India | TOI
The death of 24 lions in Gujarat since early September and another 21 lions reportedly testing positive for canine distemper virus (CDV) rings warning bells for the state government. In 2013, Supreme Court had ordered relocation of some Gir lions to the Kuno sanctuary in Madhya Pradesh. This makes eminent sense given the risk of extinction facing endangered species that is clustered in a single geographical region. While Gujarat has cited the lack of adequate facilities at Kuno, many wildlife experts are not willing to buy this explanation.
The conservation of the Asiatic Lion at Gir even as it disappeared in other countries is an Indian success story. The lions have also come to be identified closely with Gujarati pride and prestige and local politicians balk at the idea of sharing the limelight with other states. Yet there comes a point where vanity must yield to reason and science. Successful conservation led to population increase and fanning out of lions into neighbouring Saurashtra districts but created fresh complications. Infections like CDV and Babesia protozoa were possibly contracted when the lions came into contact with cattle and dogs outside the Gir sanctuary.
While the lion population increased 27% from 411 in 2010 to 523 in 2015, mortality is also high: 184 lions had died in 2016 and 2017. After the first 10 deaths in September, Gujarat claimed these were territorial deaths but was forced to backtrack after more deaths surfaced. It exposed the state’s casual approach to medical monitoring of lions. The dilution of environmental norms to allow construction, mining, tourism and other human activity in the vicinity of Gir is also facing questions. Gujarat must not live in denial. Neighbouring MP, with which it has cooperated on the Narmada project, can be its partner in this prestigious project to save the Gir lions.
This piece appeared as an editorial opinion in the print edition of The Times of India.

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