Monday, October 31, 2016

After death of 2 Asiatic cubs, efforts on to save third one

| Updated: Oct 26, 2016, 07:29 IST
Jodhpur: The good news over the birth of three Asiatic lion cubs did not last long. Two of them died in the past 24 hours, while the third one is struggling for survival. All these cubs were born on Friday.

One of the cubs died due to canine injury caused by mother herself while the other one died of under-weight and also due to the absence of mother feed. Doctors have been trying to save the third one.

Wildlife DFO Mahendra Singh Rathore said the first two weeks are critical for the cubs but the problem was that all of them were born under-weight and remained deprived of mother feed. This was the second motherhood of the Asiatic lioness at the Machia Biological Park. Earlier, two female cubs, who were born premature, could not be saved for the same reasons and similar fate stares at the three male cubs also.

Rathore said although the lioness showed a little more affection for the cubs unlike in the past, not feeding them with milk proved detrimental to their survival.

"The lioness is quite young and has not yet adapted to the motherhood despite being in a protected environment like in the park unlike the lionesses in forests who live in groups. Hopefully, next time there would be better adaptability," said Rathore.

Meanwhile, the park administration is trying hard to save the last cub, who is said to be in better condition compared to those who died.

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