Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Gujarat seeks more say in expert group.

14th August 2013
Gandhinagar: The second meeting of the 12-member committee formed to decide on the lion translocation from Gir sanctuary in Gujarat to Kuno Palpur in Madhya Pradesh will be held on August 19. The meeting has only one agenda — a presentation by Gujarat officials on conservation of lions.
    Meanwhile, Gujarat has demanded that more members from the state be inducted into the expert group on translocation of Asiatic lions from Gujarat. The state is likely to send a list to the committee before the next meeting. Gujarat wants that it should be allowed to suggest the names of the persons it wants included in the group.
    “We will be suggesting names to them in the next meeting scheduled to be held on August 19. Right now there is only one member from

Gujarat in the 12-member panel,” said a state official.
    The state forests
department officials are burning the midnight oil preparing a presentation that they will be making at the meeting. “After the decision of the apex court on translocation of lion, our role is that of facilitators of the process. Our filing a review petition and these proceedings will go side by side,” said a forest official.
    “The presentation will focus more on the behavior of the lion as the experts have come to a conclusion that they would replace the male lion in
Kuno Palpur every three years and the previous male will be transferred to the zoos in the state,” the official added.
    “Besides emphasizing on the guidelines of International Union for Conservation of
    Nature (IUCN), we intend
to lay stress on other factors that have helped us in its conservation. The most important is the role of the community and its understanding of the need to conserve,” he added.
The presenta
tion would also focus on the steps taken by the government in managing the lion habitat in the state. “Today we are using the state of the art equipment in rescuing lions that require help. We are also the first in the country to have taken steps to carry out DNA profiling of the lions. This will help us investigate each and every death that takes place,” a forester said.

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