Saturday, September 8, 2012

Asiatic lion cubdies at city zoo.

Sayantanee Choudhury, TNN Aug 21, 2012, 05.36AM IST
PATNA: A newly-born Asiatic lion cub died at the Sanjay Gandhi Biological Park, better known as Patna zoo, on Sunday night while another is being treated at the park's veterinary hospital.
The two Asiatic lion cubs were born on August 15. According to zoo authorities, it was the first time the lioness, Saraswati, had given birth to cubs. She was, however, unable to take proper care of the cubs. The lioness was not breastfeeding them. The Asiatic lion couple is young and inexperience of the lioness led to death of the, according to the zoo authorities. The lioness and the cubs were kept in a night shelter with a dark room and a night vision-enabled close circuit television camera was installed there to monitor them.
The Asiatic lion couple was brought here from the Hyderabad zoo in August 2011.
The zoo authorities have put another cub in an incubator due to physical injury caused by the lioness. Veterinary doctors are feeding Lactogen to the cub as supplementary milk instead of breast milk. They are also using buffalo milk to balance the nutrition level of the cub.
"Our prime focus while bringing any new animal here under exchange programmes is to check their health and age. We try to bring animals approaching adulthood. All the animals which we have brought under the last four exchange programmes are between 2.5-5 years. Animals of such age can easily adapt to any kind of changes in surroundings, which helps in breeding of animals," said Abhay Kumar, director, Patna zoo. However, 23 animals have died at the biological park since 2010. They include one tiger, two giraffe cubs and the newly-born Asiatic lioness cub.

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